Sunday, April 19, 2015

Civilization--India to West...............

The Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro had developed a good trade relationship with Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Turkey around 2500 BC period.  As per Puranic descriptions, Kartavirya Arjuna built unconquered and giant naval fleet comprised thousands of war ships and built a mighty empire and ruled for 86 years.  Kartavirya Arjuna revived the fading glory of Haihayas (Yadu descendants) and Haihayas fleets prospered and accumulated lot of wealth by their sole sovereignty on overseas trade.  Yadu was the Yayati eldest son, who was denied throne and Haihayas were Yadu descendants. Hya or Chinese Xia dynasty ruled for 2100—1600 BC until the Shang dynasty overthrew them.

Kshatriyas earned enormous wealth and built a mighty Vaisya-Kshatriya empire. The another one on same line was Bhriguvanshis Brahmins with the wealth of Vaisya and they too set up a huge merchant enterprise on western ocean. The clashes between the two giants were obvious and gradually, Kshatriya merchants were becoming shorter before Brahmin merchants. Trade rivalry turned into a bloody war and Haihayas massacred all the Bhrigus and invited their assured destruction.  Thus, the first Dharma Yudha was about to begin when 17 Akshauhinis of Haihayas, 100 sons of Kartavirya, his allies and the custodian of old dharma- Vashistha arrayed against Parshuram, armies of Vishwamitra, Ikshwaku king Sagara and his cavalry force.  Probably the story revolves around mature Harappan phase. The 5 pool of blood filled with Haihayas dead. The old society was destroyed and ready to start from fresh, a new kind of Kshatriya was ready to take birth.

Parshuram was born as Brahmin and act as Kshatriya and he was referred as Vishnu avatar, a Rama with an axe! He manifested from Jamdagni’s anger, a Kshatriya anger to slay the Akarmic (inaction), aggressive, unprogressive, and Adharmic Kshatriya.  He vacated Bharata land from Kshatriyas; he conquered 18 lands.

Conflicts and contradictions among the people were arising because of incorporation and assimilation of new rules and disfavoring the old pattern of society.  The only way remained to accept the change in society for further evolution or leave this holy land. Why there had been occurred so many Deva-Assura war in remote antiquity and haven’t we seen the sudden rise of new civilizations in near nest at the same time? Do we have any historical evidences of the evolution phases of Assyrian, Akkadian, Hitties, Mittani and Greeks civilizations?

Greeks and all feudal states of Greeks developed the unconquered naval fleets and carried a long historic rivalry with the Persians for many centuries. The dynasty in the Epic of Homer is called Atreides (originated from Atri). Atri sons were Somachandra, Durvasa, and Dattatreya and KArtavirya Arjuna was the disciple of Dattatreya. PArshuram destroyed the Mithila dynasty and gave reign to Dattatreya and Dattatreya was succeeded by Nimi whose onward descendant, after few generations, would be King Janaka (Ramayana fame). King Nimi and his genealogies were greatly described in Jaina text.

Sage Atri was Brahma son (start of origin) and he had 3 wives: Aditi, Diti and Danu. Danu is similar to Don river of Russia. Adityas were born from Aditi, Daityas were born from Diti and Danavas were born from Danu. The ninety provinces and rulers of Assyrian provinces bear the Assura familiar name.  One of sons of Danu and one of the provinces of Assyria is called Sambara.  Sambara is described as assura in our mythology to whom Krishana fought and defeated.

India at ancient time (In the Epic age) was "Akhanda Bharath" which includes Aratti (Arab), Gandhar (Afghan - Kandahar), Pakistan (Kaikeya and Madra regions are from Pakistan), Today's India, Nepal, Burma (Myanmar), Tibet, Sri Lanka, some portions of China (Not entire China), Some parts of Russia (Not entire Russia), Cambodia (often referred as "Kamboja") and few other Lands of Indonesia, and ofcourse Bangladesh. These many areas were called "Maha-Bharath" too!! Yudhistera, Nahusha, Sagara were the Chakravartin Samrat who ruled the entire world/earth (Akhand Bharat). Later India is referred as Jambu Dweepa. Jambu Dweepa means land below Jambu or Jammu. There is no particular Sanskrit word for refereeing “Sub-continent”.

MitraVaruna is the Ahura Mazda. Aryamana in iranian would be Iranaman. Aryamana was sun god at one point then took other roles. Sun position is occupied on rotational basis. Mitra was the Sun at the time of Samudra Manthan and maleficed by Rahu.  Ahura Mazda means Lord of Asuras. In monotheist zoroastranism, Mitra is Mithra and Varuna is Ahura Mazda and Indra is Mazda Indra, his place is still called Mazendran.

In a treaty between the Hittites and the Mitanni, the deities Mitra, Varuna, Indra, and Nasatya (Ashvins) were invoked. Well, I can go further to the Balts and Slavic nations and the similar mythologies and Gods that they share with us. But the purpose here is to focus on to various contemporary civilizations developing in west around the period of mature Harrapan phase.  People were evolving, shunning the old ideas and old practices, developing new vibrant thoughts, incorporating new teachings and philosophies and new Dharma was established in India. New paradigm was set and society was inclining towards Vedic way of life.

There was no religion kind in Ancient India and Epic India. They had several philosophies which were continuously evolving for the betterment of life.  There is no ONE supreme path; choose middle path; choose your own way; your own will and make your path and accept the karma result.  No separate Vedic or Indus civilization as it has been taught in history since several years. Vedic and Indus traditions were part of a single society and that extended to the Central Asia so maybe someday we could find our Krsna, Arjuna, Chanakaya, and ChandraGupta had been born in Iranian land!

Vaivastava Manu (current Manu avatar) had founded 4 solar kingdoms which become 9 kingdoms and called Surya Mandala. Solar kingdom, where everybody is equal, men are equal to women! It was after 30 generations, the lunar lineages descended from Yayati. Sun and Moon were Danava before that’s why they recognized the Rahu (assura), when Mohini (Samudra-Manthan) was giving Amrit to Rahu. Assura was the society, who rejected the Sura (Wine drinking or social life or civilized life) and Deva accepted the Sura drinking. Assura were brutal, barbarians, pastoralists and uncivilized Kshatriyas who shun the Brahmin way of civilized and peaceful life. That ‘why the ParshuRam picked up the axe and started killing these barbaric Kshatriyas. We can assume that vast scale of urbanizations has also created a cohesion and struggle between the urbanized and pastoralist’s society.  As the urbanization had taken speed the uniformity in social rules, writings, cultures, and weight measures were incorporated. Miscreants Assures had denied the well formed guiding rules and rejected the socialist ideas.

Swarga was the term used for Swarajya! Indra was the title and occupied by many deserving elected persons and most of the time people fought with each other for holding the position of Indra-the ruler of the world. The elected Indra, at this period, was the supporter of rational and innovative ideas and he supported the counter riks (countering Rigveda) of Narada and his ideas of austerities, penance and renunciation for the enlightenment. This created a fissure in society and new paradigm was in its way to construct a Vedic civilization.  The Indra stood against the old guard of Dharma—The Vasishtha. Buddha, at that time, supported Rig Vedas old riks and opposed the idea of penniless rishies.  Buddha represented here the newly evolved Kshatriya who participated in Dharma Yudha and had slain uncivilized Kshatriyas. Rig Veda is a family text and each mandala is contributed by a certain rishi families and thus reflects their philosophies. 

Indra made alliances with Daityas, Chandra and Agni for spreading harmony in a society. Chandra, as per his assura nature, created a problem for Indra and that led to next Deva-Assura Sangram. There are 15 Deva-Assura sangram have been listed in Puranas and you can guess the amount of strife and struggle in the society and consequently mass exodus to distant westward lands.  The natural calamities like floods, quakes, and shrunken rivers also add up to the migrations of people to a large extent. There is an interesting story behind Chandra-Assura sangram with Devas, though I m skipping the story to not to extend the article.

Anyway, Chandra backed by Assuras and killed almost Devas. That rifted the society ideologically and culturally in different parts. Chandra got the son Buddha. Buddha married Ila and this was the start of a Lunar dynasty, philosophically. Ila was a combination of a man and a stallion and converted to a woman and married Buddha. Ila was the original goddess of Venus and all other Pantheons have goddess for planet Venus, except ours. May be they would had been parted away to different directions before Ila was replaced with Shukra (Assura Guru and Brahmin) in our mythologies. Ila was the Sumerian goddess Ishtar—the goddess of war and seduction. Ila seduced Buddha and took him away and Suryavanshi replaced the woman with a male Brahmin. They contradicted the earlier notion of men equal women. The Budhha had a son Pururava and his grandson was Nahusha, who had a vast empire extended to Turkey and near east. Nahusha and his nephew Nriga were also Indra at one time. Ancient Chaldeans and Babylonians in remote antiquity worshipped Nregala, the lord of heaven (NRIGA!) who is also an Aditya and is supported by seven wise men (Sobitti or saptarishi).

Buddha (Lunar Dynasty) son Pururva had several wives. His queen Ira is supposed to be the founder of Iranian dynasty and lady Urvashi (lived in Ur) is the most famous one and his soul mate. This was the period between 3500-3000 BC and Leonard Wooley discovered a queen’s tomb (in City Ur), made of gold, dated to 3300 BC.  This is not proof but proofs lie somewhere here, need to be unprejudiced mind while digging out the truth. Back to the story, Urvashi had been called back by Ghandharva and after several pursuance allowed to meet Pururva, once in a year. He had many sons from different other wives who shared his original kingdom.  We find many cultural similarities in Mesopotamia, Elam, Susa, Assyria, Akkad, Babylone and other surrounding civilizations.

Indra is the Verethragana of ancient Assyrians and Persians. He became over time the Vahagna (Vrahi Agni) of Armenians later called Vram (Vishnu). Both Agni and Vishnu are Indra’s deputies. Over time later Sogdians called him Wshn or Vishnu. Manicheans adopted him in their religion as Wryhrm.

Many Buddha had been born before the Siddhartha Buddha! And Siddhartha Buddha hadn’t created a new religion; Buddha means ‘enlightened one’ and he was Sakyamuni Gautam Siddhartha. It was after 100 years of his PariNirvana, his preaching and stories were compiled and in the first Buddhist council, Buddhism was dived into Mahayana and Hinyana and Buddhism as a religion has started taking shape. Earlier Buddhism was known as Kshatriya Dharma—a refined way of Kshatriyahood. From the beginning, you can see that several Dharma Yudha had been occurred to kill the adharmic Kshtriyas. Kshatriya means the particular Tamsic ideologies, manner of life, cultures, socio-political ideas and Buddha was the rebellion against the brutalism of war and massacre of people in the name of gaining kingdom. He defied the idea of animal sacrifices in victory Yajna (Aswamedha). He himself was fond of eating pork and someone knew this and served him uncooked meat and that proofed his last meal.

Near to the end of BC period, there was no division in society on religion. Maurya family was a coalition of Jain, Buddhist, Vedic and Ajivaka paths. These were not the separate religion, unlike today. ChandraGupta Maurya was a Jain and Chanakaya was a nephew of Jain Shaktar (Nanda minister). Buddhist path was called Ksatriya path after Siddhartha. Jain as Vaisya patha after Mahavira's because major followers came from Vaisya community.  Ajivaka founded by a cities Brahmin and that was based in the markets or say the limited to business community. Villagers were still following the Vedic or traditional beliefs. So these many, so called, religions evolved because of different ideologies surviving in society, like today we have so many political parties.

Sarmanic tradition is the oldest religious tradition of India. Jainism and Buddhism came out from Sarmanic tradition. Asoka, nowhere in his edict had written Buddhism, instead he mentioned Sarman, Brahman, Dhamma (Dharma), Sangha (church). Jainism (Sarmanism) is the oldest religion not in India but throughout the world. Sarmanic tradition was deep routed in Induc valley. Social equality, aesthetic religion, naked saint, ascetic life, austerities, Vanvasa, penance, Yogi Shiva/Rishaba, Sadhu are the Sarmanic way of life.  

Vedas mentioned only two temples: Jaganatha Puri and Thirumala-Thiripati. RigVeda didn’t know about god; they paid their gratitude to the various Devatas for their benevolence in the kind of wealth, nature, fire, water, rain, wind and the list goes on.  Indra was the prominent god/lord of Devata at Rigvedic time; Vishnu, Shiva and rest of gods came later. These 2 temples were already existed there, before the Vedas discovered other gods! Haven’t we thought ever that once a religion was widespread throughout India and now they have reduce to possess just one pilgrim site and only one god and that is Sravana Belagola, Karnataka!! Dharma is a Karmic Wheel and several thousand years later the Hindus faced the same bloodshed and atrocities in the name of other religion.

India is not the land of once race, one culture, one language, and one god so to impose a simple theory that some Aryans invaded India and destroyed Indus Valley civilization is the outcome of very cheap and lazy research. Before British India, there was no north-south faction, no states was divided on the basis of language; they were reigned and known by a different rulers. Now we have some 27 states based on Languages, primarily. As the time change, the society evolves to take new convenient shape and discard the old beliefs and notions. When the mighty civilizations of Persia, Greeks, Rome, and Egypt buried on ground, India is still carrying its heritage despite of several invasions, lootings and bloodshed, Why?? They have been encapsulated in their cultural strength, their rational philosophies, their open attitude for listening and assimilating logical ways and their struggle for continuous evolution. The Same Persians, Greeks, Rome, and all around Near East had succumbed to tyrants; they haven’t evolved from their old Kshatriyahood notions.

When the India was burning in the reigns of Turks, Sultanates, Pathans, Mughals, Ghori, and Gajanavies, the Bhakti galore of Tulsidas, Soordas, Meerabai, Kabir, Rahim, Sankara, and Chaitanya had given solace to the masses and kept them bound with their heritage and soil. We may disagree of Tulsi Ramayana and Meera blind Bhakti but their purpose was not to serve logics but to ignite faith in the masses for the supreme. That was the demand of time and they served perfectly. India is the land of Avataras and is the mother of all religions and civilizations. These people will come again and again when needed, in various Avatars. Humane logics have no role to play when God HIMself come down to earth to saving mankind.

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