Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Hindu Gods and the Corresponding Sumerian Gods_6

Enki and Narayana

Enki is the Sumerian God of deep water, creation, wisdom, magic, and mischief. Eridu was the home of Enki and his temple was called E-abzu, an aquifer, from all life was believed to stem. In Indian milieu, life originated from Narayana's hiranyagarbha (golden egg) in a deep sea. It created Prajapati Brahma first and then creation goes further. 

Nara means water and Ayana means dwelling.
Enki was sometime considered male deity or sometime female. Enki adopted Sea faring people as his children and become their mother. Original divinity for Hunters and fisher folks of Arabian litterols was Abzu (fresh under water current) or Apsu. Abzu is broken in two as Ab= far and Zu= water. It a fresh and sweet water string. It is hypothesized that Abzu's attributes were later taken by Enki. Enki had taken all function s of Abzu and her fertilising power also. Enki became creator god and all creation stem in water.

Abzu, Saraswati and Enki

Goddess Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge and wisdom, flow like river/water stream in her purest form. In tantric tradition, Neela Saraswati is a form of Tara Devi in her fierce form. She is also called Bhava Tarini or crossing the ocean of life. She is far away from magic as all magic is her own creation. Saraswati is the veda mata and the three vedas are the parasakti or feminine supreme power of Vishnu.

In Akkadian cylinder seal, Enki was depicted with 2 streams of water flowing into each of his shoulders: one is Tigris and other is Euphrates. Alongside him are 2 trees, symbolising the male and female aspects. Here Enki was associated with flowing water of wisdom and knowledge that create and sustain life. Creating and sustaining life is the feminine aspects of Abzu. When did Enki replaced Abzu?

Utu was powerful Sun god for hunters and gatherers of Eastern Arabia. Eastern Semitic people were Angiras progeny. Utu himself was transition of Sherida (Dawn/Usha)-a female goddess. Most of ancient cultures and civilizations were matriarchal in nature because of their capability of generating life. Atri/Mohini adopted Utu as his children settled them at Eridu. Thus, Enki became their god and Abzu's attributes were transferred to him. Enki represented both male and female gender  and that complied with their own beliefs also.

En/An was the Semitic sky god or heaven god and Ki means Earth in Sumerian language.  Enki shows the exchange of Sumerians and Semitic beliefs and cultural cooperation.

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