Tuesday, August 4, 2020

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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Joy of Heart

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Karma: a Dance of Life

What is Karma or Karmic debt? The accumulated karmic tendencies, inherited in the course of previous lives. This is the prevalent Karma Theory. Karma serves as a deterrent! Because of consequences people try to do good karma so they can reap good fruit in present life and next life. No issue in the doctrine which motivates people for good action. However, Karma is not that simple.

Karma is an evolution process for mankind! We need to break karmic pattern to get out from the trap. Goal is only to elevate humane essence. Happiness and miseries are a part of life. Most of the time we run towards the solution without understanding the problem due to lack of clarity about the real problem.

Ignorance or not knowing things as they truly are, is the chief cause of Karma. That ‘why patch work done every now and then instead of concrete solution. Solution doesn’t mean to end the problem once and for all. But it works as a stepping stone for internal growth and progression. Your free- choice may not end the suffering at once but you won’t be miserable any more. Intention behind every action should always be the upliftment of life than pursuing the material cause.

Karmic structure is repetitive in nature. Events generally repeat themselves in cycles. Right approach to deal with Karmic pattern is to break limitations and go beyond the limitations.

You need to be consciously aware about the happenings. People around you may not approve this because they don't relate with you the kind of being you are, Now!

Have no fear about the process. Accept everything lovingly and joyfully. It will break your old personality and transform you with great humane possibilities.

Any kind of intentional action whether mental, verbal, or physical, is regarded as Karma. What is the intention behind stealing is more important than the stealing itself? Though, Karma is very complex and intertwined with free-will, destiny, intentional actions, external circumstances, surroundings, personality, individual striving, and so forth.

Was it the Karmic effect or something else that the Jews had gone through the extreme sufferings in Auschwitz extermination centers? Undetermined numbers of people died from overwork, starvation, disease, malnutrition, arbitrary executions, tortures and the list are never ending. Their daily struggle for survival in brutal living conditions. The hardship of life……Millions died because of hunger and malnutrition. Extreme cruelty people were doing to other people. What was the previous Karma of the people that they had to gone through this inhumane sufferings and death? Children even were not spared. Nature’s aggression explodes in a brutal way when it let suffer to babies and small children.

Who is doing mass killing all over the world today? Karma doesn’t see race, ethnicity and culture. May be those days tyrant Nazis are Today’ worst sufferers all around the world by the hands of some other tyrants. Karma works for the redemption of mankind.

People hid their lack of humanity in the excuse of Karma theory. Forget about other’s Karma, What will be your Karma without compassion towards mankind, towards animals, and towards all creatures.

This Sloka explained the humanity very well:

सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥

May all sentient beings be at peace,
may no one suffer from illness,
May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer.
Om peace, peace, peace.

What was green pastures thousands of years before now a desert and vice-versa. Yesteryear's, Tyrants are today kind and liberal in their ideologies and today's tyrants, suppressors and killers may be yesteryear's suffered, subjugated, and oppressed people.

What was your past is now your present and will become your future? For some time, forget about previous lives, focus on present life. Aim of karma is evolution of mankind and upliftment of human essence. Karma checks how comfortable we are to cross our comfort zone for growth and progression. Everybody has to give Agnipariksha in life and Karma is there to check the humane potential to what extent a humane spirit can strive for betterment.

We tied ourselves in various Karmic bandages in our present life and it’s our responsibility to break it in this lifetime only.

Unless we accept our truth, our weakness, our mistakes, we won’t have clarity in life. Without clarity about ourselves and situations around, there is no free-will, no conscious choice. No appropriate actions could be taken what is supposed to take. Conscious choice-making is the most effective way of creating future consequences.

In Mahabharat, Yudhistera had gone through worst adversities of life because of his unawareness of the world around him. Wailing of Panchali on the day of Dyut, was the extremity of life that one has to suffer in life. We suffer because of our ignorance and unawareness of truth, we always have fear to accept the truth and then life teach us the big lesson in a very strict way to emancipate our spirit from the karmic debt.

Karma is most often explained in terms of cause and effect. What is the cause of the inequality that exists among mankind? Some people born in beggar’s house and some born with silver spoon…………..of course, this is the consequence of previous life Karma. But now onward, how you conduct your life, what choices you make, what actions you do, how you discharge your duty with peace of mind and harmony play a major role in formation of your future. I don’t mean all in materialistically, of course material pursuance is necessary to survive but it shouldn’t over shadow your Inner being.

Your Karmic account determines your ascendant sign you are born with. Then the 12 houses in your horoscope guide your life cycle.

5th house represents one’s Inner self! I would say it is the house of destiny which tells about the purpose of life. And Who decides destiny? Again, your Inner self! Somewhere deep inside in the subconscious, we know our desire, our inclination but avoid it due to various material causes. But destiny finds its way and one day we do it on our own by using free-will. During this time period we perform several actions to go away from predestined goal. This way we create multiple parallel realities. Many different paths may lead to different outcomes or similar outcome as it was destined. Parallel realities exist in uncertainties, fear, insecurity, and ignorance. Once you made a conscious choice the rest are vanished. Similar to wave-particle superposition mechanism.

Ultimate goal is predestined and we choose it consciously using our free-will. Free will is doubtless and free from fear and any worldly compulsion.

Karma is influenced to some extent by external circumstances, surroundings, personality, individual striving, and so forth. What happened within you it must happen with your way. Solution is inside, not outside. Outside events are not in your control. That doesn’t mean to find an easy escape in destiny. You can never reach to inside with clutter of garbage, lies, pretensions, and ignorance. Need to clean up the mess to have the clarity of vision.

Karma is one’s own deeds; it is neither fate, nor predestination imposed upon us by some unknown power. It is we who decides our purpose in life and do actions to achieve that. What we accumulate during present life determines next life purpose and the purpose is same for all. It is the ascension of self from present being.

Disciplined life reduced the effect of Karma. Discipline doesn’t mean routine time-table; it’s mere a small part of it. Self-Discipline is the capacity to restrain our impulses, resist temptation and do things consciously. It is the intent of one's actions that generates karma.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

What is Déjà Vu?

Déjà Vu is the French term and it means “already seen”. It an impulse or a strong sensation that gives the strange feeling of something going in present is happened before.

It is depicted very well in a movie MATRIX. Neo see a cat in a mirror and in just a moment he sees again a similar cat in the mirror.

Compare 2 frames side by side. One reflects the past time happening and other one reflects present time. Déjà Vu is the phenomenon where it feels that the present scenario already happened in the past. Is it possible? Does Déjà Vu really mean experience of past in present time?

Most of people we see reports experienced of having Déjà Vu experience in their life. Scientists call it neurological anomaly and associated with “Temporal Lobe Epilepsy”. In some way they are right.

Science perceive everything in manifested form, something that can be seen and touched, even if it not direct but the effect can be seen. To understand unmanifested, we need to go beyond the limitation of science, we need to cross the boundary which science has developed around it.

Temporal lobe is a part of the brain just inside from the top of your ears, and it is important for making and remembering memories. It plays a major part in connecting past, present and future all together.
Let us dive deep than the superficial understanding.

In a movie, Neo see the cat and in a just a moment, he sees the same cat again. He was actually in present time and saw the future (which was a cat in the mirror, 2nd time). He saw cat in between the time interval of present and future. Time difference is so minute that it is near to impossible to distinguish present from future. It appears to him that at present moment he experienced cat though he was in future time when the cat actually appears to him. Déjà vu is a future travel of an Atman—The “SELF”!

When conscious level evolved, your Atman is separated from your body and see things exclusively without indulging with the body. Future cat is actually seen by the Atman—the SELF while body was in present. It appears to present rest body that it has seen cat before though, it was seen by a conscious mind and that information was stored in a memory. The future experience is stored in a memory that gives strong feeling of familiarity of the incident. It’s a kind of mismatch of present and future events which the body is unable to differentiate.

Beginning state of Déjà Vu is experienced by many which describes the incident “already visited”. When you have a strong feeling of familiarity of the incident. As the conscious level increase, time difference increases between the present and the future events. You have the feeling of live through the moment.

Something which you always liked, something which you always belonged but couldn’t associate with. It appears as past life connection but actually it is the future where your body is destined to reach. It is the distance that Atman/SELF already traveled! Your body recognized the strong connection but couldn’t get a clue about it. You develop sight but unable to decipher with minuscule understanding.

Overwhelming feelings stays for long time which enrich you inside out. So strong feeling and you falling towards it, defying all existing gravity. This is the stage of Solitude! Nirvana, Moksha. Atman is longing to merge with the Brahman, the state of eternal bliss. You crave for vairagya, solitude, and aloofness. Moksha means to live life without effecting with the drama of reality. Being untouched all through life, like a true Karmyogi!

The experience of Déjà Vu is the experience of Atman. The phenomenon of Déjà Vu is similar to the sudden vibration or impulse that occurred on tranquil state of pure consciousness and disturbed the balance of guans and the creation happened. The world is thus a mere spontaneous creation of Brahman. And the creation is not a conscious effort but an impulsive act. It is an action of an unfettered mind and unrestricted thought and this is the essence of an Atman. Like a soap bubble burst into several bubbles, the pure essence of a Brahman also divided into Atmans. This is the Ekam Satya of the Universe!

Matrix is an awesome movie so deeply researched. Every scene has metaphysical base and deep-rooted philosophy of life.

When they move to the matrix, their bodies lie down on chairs and their real self, the Atman travel in Matrix. To come back to their bodies or in manifested form they use Phone to their ears. When they awake, they have the feelings about the incident which appears as happened in past. However, they lied down in their present state and it’s their Atman that travel in Matrix. Their Atman was engaged in actions, their Atman has seen those things and bodies remember it through memories. The manifested bodies just memorized the familiarity of the experiences.

NO, it is not miracle or a supernatural phenomenon. Travelling past, present and future becomes possible when there is a clarity about present settings. Cognitive brain uses existing knowledge and generate new knowledge about present and future events.

Contrary to the preconceived notion, Déjà Vu actually is future event experienced in present. Déjà Vu is an experience of the Atman—the SELF. Memory trace the event that happened in future and trigger the present state of a being about the familiarity of the event.

Déjà Vu is a future travel of an Atman—The “SELF”!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Troy: power struggle between Bhrigus and Haiheyyas

Trojan War—the Bronze Age conflict between the kingdoms of Troy and Mycenaean Greece—was the harbinger of new civilizations not only in Mediterranean island but also to Middle Eastern region. It was the conflict between early Greeks and the Troy in Anatolia. In the “Odyssey,” a blind bard narrates the stories of the war!

According to Greek mythology, Perseus—son of the Greek god Zeus and Danae (Danu) founded Mycenae. Danu was one of the daughters of Daksha who married to Kashyapa rishi (sage). Buddhist text pronounced him Kassapa. Kashayapa and his stories are mentioned in most of the literary texts of Indo-European branches.

As per Greek mythology, Greeks carried their genealogies from Atreus. Atreus is called Atri in Indian text. Atri and his wife Anusuya's children were Durvasa, Soma-Chandra, and Dattatreya. Anusuya was called MahaSati or Mahishmati. Atri is one of the seven great Rishi or Saptarshi along with Marichi, Angiras, Pulaha, Kratu, Pulastya and Vashistha. Atri lineage goes as

Brahma Syambhu--> Atri-->Datatreya-->Nimi. Nimi was the one who revived Mithila and Videha dynasty.

Atri means Aham Tritya, I am third!! Number three is giving significant information here about his origin! Atri had taken role of Surya and Chandra after the Devasura Sangram where all gods including Surya and Chandra died. He took the role of Surya and Chandra until the position was allotted to some other god. Early Greeks had contemporary cultural similarities with the Middle Eastern civilization. Thus, the similarities are seen between the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Homeric epics. Ubaidian were the ancient people of Mesopotamia and they had a strong Naga link. They were outcasted from the mainstream religion because of their different views, change in funeral practices. They would be separated from Ikshawaku-solar dynasty and would lay the foundation of a new civilization at Mediterranean island. Minoan art featured distinctive depictions of female forms, holding snakes. They would represent probably snake goddess or Naga women. After few contraries, this belief would transform into a Vishkanya!

The genealogies of Atri is

It was some 30 generations into the Solar Lineages that the Lunar lineages descended from Yayati. Chandra (moon) was Aikshavakus. And the time we see Akkadians supremacy over Mesopotamia, Sumer, baby loan, Elam, and Syria. Chandra's son was Buddha. Buddha here represents a Shamanistic religion. These northern shamanistic Aryan tribes has started Tridharma! Number 3 is associated with Shamanism. Buddhism, Jainism, Muni (the wandering sect), Yati (mountain dweller), and Yogi are all separate sects of Shamanism. Atri was the introducer of shamanistic beliefs on Mediterranean island. Chandravanshis worshipped SIN- an Assyrian moon god. Ancient Yadava ancestor was also called Sini. Sini was accepted in Angirasa Gotra. Agni was prominent Rgvedic god and father of Angirasa!

DurVasa, Dattatrya , and SomaChnadra were the harbingers of a new heterogenous society and reformers of a dharma. Dattatreya was the propounder of Natha cult. It was basically a Guru-Shishya parampara which was carried forward to Shishya from his Guru to keep the sanctity intact. They would be Yogis and somewhat related to occult practices; it was a kind of Tantric sect. He is also taken to be the highest Aghor guru. New kingdom in Egypt was Dattatreya follower; alternatively, Amon worshipper. Black Yajurveda was taking shape.

Who was Durvasas?? Turavasu was the discarded son of King Yayati. Turvashas are one of the five Rigvedic tribes, the other four being Yadu, Druhyu, Anu and Puru. According to Puranic sources, Yavanas were the cursed sons of King Turvasu. Turvasu had many sons. It appears that some of the sons of Turvasu had already migrated to Western Anatolia and Greece in Pre-Ramayana era and came to be known as Aeolians, Achaeans and Dorians as malleccha tribes in Indian texts. The Mahābhārata adds that the Yavanas sprang from Turvasa. Tura is also a name of Vedic seer, mentioned in Aitereya Brahmana. And Aitereya compiled by Atreus!

This is the period when Northern Nomadic warrior tribes came into their horses and earned their livelihood on stock breeding and lootings. They penetrated into Anatolia, Levant, and Middle Eastern region in different time in history. The word Arya is highly misinterpreted despite several of textual evidences are existing to negates the current notions. That ‘why unlike prevailing notions, I would prefer to say Vedic people. As the Vedic religion was advancing it was co-opting local religions and traditions. Noble Arya men were assimilated into the mainstream culture and more Bhramins castes were created to include them. The Rgvedic Indra added the Dasas as a member of same fraternity. Their gods like Pasupati and Cowherd also joined the Rgvedic pantheon.

This is how the ITIHASA has been written in India! Now see the picture from different side. Yes, GREECE!!

Around 3000 B.C., the Minoan civilization emerges on the island of Crete and becomes a great maritime trading power. Crete had an intense commercial trading with nearby Egypt, Asia-Minor, Syria, Cyprus, and to the Aegean Islands. The Minoan had developed a great trading fleet and a huge merchant enterprise on the western ocean.

Cult of Bull was sacred in Crete and symbolized power and fertility. Rishabh (Bull) was the Siva avatar of this generation and his disciples were Parashara, Garg, Bhargava and Agirasa. These sages were associated with mixed castes of northern people. The people who came on their Ashwa (horse)! The religious belief was Jina Muni Darshan. Wandering sages and meditative sages tried to learn the relations between human and universe. Sage Satakratu, the Bull incarnation, was Indra also. Cult of Bull ruling over the people! Indra was the title given to the people who ruled over masses. Indras have been selected from Devas, Danavas, and Daityas altogether. Very Secular position, anybody could hold the title who have mass appeal and who is protector to his people.

Earlier path was Sarasvata-Vada or Vadin. It was foundation of Nirgratha Jain path! Non-Vedic Munis, Yatis and Yogis followed the penniless wandering Muni orders. Saraswata patha takes guideline from Yagurveda school. Later Buddhist groups had adopted several of these lessons. Various Munis and Yatis group belonged to the Bull cult!

Minoan civilization was destroyed at 1700 BC by forces. Reason may be an outside invader. Despite the abrupt destruction of the palaces however, Minoan civilization continued to flourish. Minoan Crete again reached to its Zenith around 1600 BC. Minoan culture expanded to Peloponnese and mixed with mainland Greeks. That eventually founded Mycenaean civilization. Mycenae took over Crete and during this period Zeus begin to appear in religious beliefs. Mycenaeans enjoyed prosperous rule over the Greek mainland and areas around the Aegean Sea. In the Iliad, Homer aptly described Mycenae as “rich in gold.”

Around 1150 BC the Dorians destroyed the Mycenaean civilization in the Peloponnese and by 1100 BC they reached Crete. This period marks the assimilation of all remaining Minoan elements of Crete into the new Hellenic culture.

Everybody heard about the most famous Trojan war, where Mycenae king Agamemnon led the Greek alliance to ruin Troy. Troy is supposed to be ancient Anatolia.

In the official records of the Hittites in Anatolia, various references from 1400 BC to 1200 BC mention a country named Ahhiyawa. This term refers to all regions settled by Mycenaeans or regions under direct Mycenaean political control. The most commonly held theory is that the people of Ahhiyawā were the Achaeans of Homer, possible early Mycenaean Greeks. Another theory represents them as ancestors of the Trojans.

Egyptian inscriptions used a term "Ekwesh" for Ahhiyawans in 12th century BC. These Ekwesh were mentioned as a group of the Sea People. Apart from maritime trade, seafarers were also likely engaged in mercenary wars and piracy, and they were known to periodically raid and loot the coastal towns of Egyptians and Hittites. So they were mentioned in both these texts.

The Phrygians or Greek term Phruges were an ancient Indo-European people. According to Herodotus – they were changed from Briges to Phryges after their final migration to Anatolia. Most of western and central Anatolia was occupied by the Phrygians. Trojans are also suggested to be Phrigues. These Phrigues of Anatolia seems to be similar to Bhrigus of India! Bhrigus and Haiheyyas power struggle are mentioned many times in Indian texts. Haiheyyas were identified with Yadus, thus Yadava Kshatriyas. Well, there are more to be known about heterodox Yadava culture but video is restricted to cover the most famous Trojan war!

Bhrigus or Phrigues were the old orthodox brahmins and Hittites were the ruling kshatriyas. The old Assyrian tablets mentioned the origins of the kings of the land of Hatti as " Man of Kussara". Hittite kings also referred to themselves as man of Kussara. Probably, Kussara clan formed the old kingdom of Hittite. Kussara is occasionally mentioned in the clay tablets of the old Assyrian trade period of Anatolia (as Ku-ša-ra) and less often it was termed as KUR URU in the early Hittite Kingdom. KUR and URU terms are associated with Middle Eastern Mesopotamia.

On one side was the army of Haiheyyas, sons of Kartavirya and their allies the kshtriyas and on the other side was arrayed under Parasuram, Vishwamitra, Sagara and his cavalry force and lord of Vayu himself. Throughout the Middle East a mass movement of peoples had begun that was destined not only to destroy the Hittite empire but also to sweep the Hittites out of their homeland on the Anatolian plateau.

By the time the battle ended, five pools of blood were filled of the Haiheyyas dead. The place would be called Samantapanchaka. After few centuries another Dharmayuddha fought on Dharmakshetera under the dominion of Bharatas and it was known as The Mahabharat.

Parasuram-the great Bhargava, destroyed the capital which earned the name Purushkhanda, modern Acemhoyuk. The same named as Khandavprastha in Indian text and Troy in Greek texts. The region once won back from forest by fire again went to the control of forests. The city ruined and forgotten. Broken city or Mithila dynasty was revived by Dattatreya—the son of Atri.
Rgveda tells the region of Videha and Mithila city was a deep impenetrable forest and Agni deva cleared the forest and created a new life. He started the profession of farming. Daughter of this land became queen of Rama.

Lion gate at Citadel's primary entrance in Hattussa and Mycenae represents a Lion Gana or called Simhika. It is a symbol of power of strong merchant guilds and their significance over polity and religion. That was the period of prosperity and cultural progress in both the cities. Assyrian merchants built up a chain of trading stations and established themselves in colonies in Anatolian cities. Trade was controlled by local rulers and wealth were concentrated in the hands of ruling families. The society was becoming homogenized as the same ruling family branch throughout the whole region. The brahmins were not accepting other caste brahmins as their equivalent. Biggest enemy was Dasyu caste, the priest for Dasas. They were not acceptable to Brahmanas and they fought tooth and nail to not include Dasyus in the mainstream Dharma. Dasyu is a term for forest robber in modern languages; sea pirates were also Dasyus and thus was referred as Mallechha Kshatriyas or Barbarians. Some of Buddhist scriptures says, Yonas recognised 2 Varnas among them the Arya (noble man) and the Dasa'.

Rgvedic description of battle of 10 kings with Sudasa of Panchal possibly happened on this land. Panchala was a very heterodox society. They were Non-Indo-European mixed ruling class. The same ruling class is used in Epic India on the mixed substratum of people of all races, creeds and colours. Panchalas were the 5 tribes around the central lead tribe. These 5 tribes had a strong link with Naga tribes and different castes dominated the tribal structure. Krivis Panchalas were the descendants of Byelorussians. They all were associated with different schools of Yajurveda. This was the period of formation of YajurVeda!

There is a great story of Kratavirya, Crete of Mahishmati in Puranas. He was called Kartavirya Arjuna also sometimes. Most of knowledge about Crete was taken from epic poem the Odyssey. If Homeric references are used to narrate history then surely rich Indian texts can be considered too! And they were clearly mentioned as Itihasa (History)! Itihasa means "It is indeed happened as it is." By all the reason, it is a recorded history. Indian text present Triyoartha interpretations: (means 3 different perspectives to understand the similar thing) Transcendental, Dharmik (lay man understanding), and historical interpretation. For e.g., there is a Transcendental Ramayana also and that is known as Adbhuta Ramayana. Dharmik interpretation is most famous Valmiki Ramayana and historical narration of Ramayana, you can get in Brahmanas, Samhitas and other Vedic texts.

Mycenae civilization originally was Crete. Kartavirya Arjuna was a disciple of Atri's son Dattatreya. Kartavirya revived the fading glory of the Ekavira and early Haiheyyas or Ahhiyawas. According to Puranic versions, Turvasas adopted Ekavira. Ekavira was a horse. Needless to mention, Horse was the instrument in the destruction of Troy. Ekavira was northern nomadic herds. Ekavira had 4 sons; among them Mahisman was the most famous. Krtavirya ruled Mahishmati.

Mycenae developed basic architecture and military infrastructure for trading over vast areas of the Mediterranean and Haiheyyas rallied under the Kartavirya Arjuna, the thousand armed one. It's an allegory: means one with thousand ships or large warship with thousand oars. Bhriguvanshis too built a great trading fleet on the western ocean. There is a series of struggles between Bhrigus and Haiheyyas have been recorded in history. Haiheyyas massacred all the Bhrigus. Aggressive seafarers people invaded Eastern Anatolia, Syria, Palestine, Cyprus, and Egypt towards the end of bronze age around 1300 BC. Troy ruined to ground! Kartavirya's empire fell to the anger of Parashuram who sworn to kill Assuric and Dasyu Kshatriyas. The dark age that followed the fall of Hittite empire lasted until the Dorians came into picture. This is the period when Dattatreya, Durvasa, and SomaChandra were born to Atri. Atri was Brahma, an originator of a new civilization in a Mediterranean Sea.

The considerable points of the story which is the narration of Itihasas are: Bhrigus were the native population of Anatolia and Troy was ruling over the natives. Hittites were the ruling dynasty over Hurrian populations. In the late century, the Phrygian was sensed as a political heir to the Hittite empire. Haiheyyas or Ahhiyawas were seafarers or sea pirates and Mycenae too was a partner in crime and shared the bounties from looting. Everybody wanted to control over sea trading and grabbing of wealth. Thus, there is a havoc of war exploded on Hittites.

Merchant colonies such as Purushkhanda and Hattusa were violently destroyed. It was mutually assured destruction. The destruction of Hittite merchant colony marked the end of Assyrian trade. Afterwards, there was a gradual increase of contact across the Aegean with Crete and Mainland Greece. It has ended the monopoly of Simhikas—merchant colony and it has ended the monopoly of Khatti or Hatti ruling family over sea trading. It renewed the trade cycle and prospects of economic growth for all in the Aegean Sea.'

So, After the war destruction, the truce happened between Brahmans and Kshatriyas that rejuvenated the peace and trade cycle on Mediterranean Sea. New kind of Parashara brahmin and Kshatriya As-maka were born. Maka means Mace: Macedonia. It was a war between Bhrigus and Haiheyyas; alternatively, Brahmins and Mallechha Kshatriyas struggle for power.
So ending up the narration here with one statement that “Sometimes war is the inevitable to bring peace".

Thales Directory

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Illusion of Gravity: Vairagya is the path.......................

The standard model of particle physics is the theory describing fundamental particles and the fundamental forces. The Standard Model includes 4 fundamental forces included: Electromagnetic force, Strong and Weak nuclear forces and the last one is Gravity.  

Fundamental particles are those particles which have made up everything in this universe and it cannot be divided further. Electron is the fundamental particle because it cannot be divided further but Protons and Neutrons are made up of quarks. So, quarks are the elementary particles.

I'm not going into in right now. I'll cover this later. Today, I’m going to delve into 2 fundamental forces of nature: Electromagnetism and the gravitation—the ultimate quest of life.

According to the present understanding, the forces are hierarchically arranged in strength from high to low as Strong nuclear force, Weak nuclear force, Electromagnetism and then at last the gravity comes. Gravity is so weak at quantum level, almost negligible comparing to Electromagnetism, Strong force and Weak force.

According to Issac Newton’s law of gravitation, the two objects with mass attracting each other and that is known as Gravitational force.

F=-G (m_1 m_2)/r^2 ,  

Where M1 and m2 are the masses of two objects and r is the distance between centers of their masses.

This is equivalent to the Coulomb’s law, which quantifies the 

amount of force between two stationary, electrically charged 

particles.  Where q1 and q2 are two charged particles and r 

is the distance between two charges. 

If you place two protons a single meter apart, the electromagnetic repulsion between them would be approximately 1040 times stronger than gravitational attraction. Gravity is so much weaker than other forces and gravitational mass is so much weaker than electric or colour charges.

Gravity was highly misunderstood until Einstein stepped into it with his grand theory of relativity. He described gravity a space-time distortion caused by the massive bodies. Curved space creates an illusion of force that is attracting the objects towards inside. The curve is not as fine as it is generally depicted, rather it is distorted from all sides.

Gravity is measured in terms of its effect to its surroundings. It is easy to see and measure the effect of gravity on its surrounding space. 

When you apply weight on fluffy foam mattress, the surface is stretched from all sides and this is the feeling of stress. 

The soft surface, push you lower and create a cavity around you. Depending on the Size, mass and density of the object, the gravitational force it exerts varies.

Gravity is a Tensor field. Tensor is used to specify the stress at any point. You can use vector to define tensor.

Tensor field described by using vectors. Vector quantity has both magnitude and direction. For eg, Force(F), Electric field (E), Magnetic field(B), and Velocity. Where we tell the magnitude as well direction.

Stress and Pressure are tensor quantity. Tensor quantity also tell magnitude and direction. 

However, it could be well explained mathematically through covariants and ‘component vectors. I’m describing tensor in a layman term. You can better visualize tensor field in Trampoline park, Not the rubber sheet where you jump and it bounce you back. Gravity doesn’t do that. Gravity is not a Force!

In a trampoline, there is huge puffy foam kindaa huge mattress where you jump and you stuck deep in mattress. Depends on your weight how deep you go. You distort the surface from all sides and if there is a small one near you, it would automatically fall towards you. That very well depicts the tensor field and gravity as well.

When a flat surface is pressed it makes a curve, the vector which was going straight at first has now need more vectors to support its straight line. New basic vectors are needed to support the straight-line vector.

A new right-angle triangle will be created underneath it. That area describes the tensor field. This area holds the necessary stress to keep object in the pit. This stress is created at every point in the curved path. Tensor is an abstract phenomenon; it could be felt but not easy to explain.

Straight line goes down to curve and bend towards the weight. Thus, it appears planet are orbiting around. When something goes in circular path, it is subject to centripetal force. It is then the object feels the gravity and change its velocity to balance the centripetal force. Object accelerate enough to balance the gravity. It also depends on rotation speed and angular momentum of an object how good it is fighting against the opposite force. 

This gives an illusion of gravity, though it’s just the phenomenon of changing space time due to the working of other forces.

In Special relativity, Einstein equate gravity and acceleration. In my earlier video I explained this. When you are moving in a space ship with a constant speed and suddenly there is a change in speed and you fell backward. This time you feel the same weight of yours as you feel on earth. You feel gravity. 

According to Einstein, Acceleration and Gravity are indistinguishable! Acceleration doesn’t mean change in speed always, when you change direction it also causes you to lean towards the sides. 

When an object in a circulatory path, it is always in an accelerated motion. It is the moment when an object feel gravity because of change in speed and direction. This breaks the symmetry of a constant motion.

Electromagnetism deals with the electromagnetic force that occurs between electrically charged particles. A single charge particle, either positive or negative creates an electric filed in all directions throughout the entire universe. The movement of electric charges produce an electric current and that subsequently produces a magnetic field around it. 

The strength of electric field depends on the amount of charge inside an object. Electric field lines go away from the positive particle and go towards the negative particles that’s why like charges repel and unlike charges attract each other.

There is an equal number of positive charges and negative charges inside an object that cancel each other out and net charges passing through the object is zero. Thus, No net electric field passes through the object.

Moving charge particles creates a magnetic field around or a magnetic field in lined the charges in one direction either way the current is produced. Magnetic field flows from North pole to the South pole. 

The earth magnetic field lines flow from North pole to South pole and particles get trapped in Earth magnetic field. Like poles repel; unlike poles attract. When like poles comes in near their field interact and they push one another and when north pole and south pole come together their filed lines go from North to south. 

Illusion of Gravity: Vairagya is the path......

Individual  moving charge particle also creates a magnetic field around it. Magnetic field strength depends on the number of charged particles passing through it. The strength of magnetic field depends on the amount of charges passing through the wire and velocity of the charges passing through the wire.

Current is the flow of charge/second. By applying Flaming’s left-hand rule, you can get the direction of force caused due to magnetic field. This magnetic force guides the motion of the current. The magnetic force is maximum when it is perpendicular to the electric field and perpendicular to the direction of motion.
Force exerts due to electric field is F== Eq

Where E is the electric field and q is the charge. So Electric field is Force/Unit charge.

Force exerts due to magnetic field is F== Bqv

Where B is value of the magnetic field, q is the charge and v is its velocity.

Thus, if we equate both the values, Eq==Bqv


When electrical field strength is equal to Magnetic field strength, there will be no net force applied on a charged particle and particle move in a straight line.

A moving charges particle in a magnetic field is being curved and going around in a circle of radius r.

Force applied on that particle is

But, if anything moves in a circle, there is centripetal force acting on it.

The value of centripetal force,


Where m is the mass of the particle, v is the velocity and r is the radius.

Now equate both the forces. And after solving this we get


Thus, different charged particles have different velocities. Mass and velocity of the particle determine the strength of the magnetic field. If particle is rotating fast, the magnetic field is increased. When particle moving in a circle, its angular momentum balance the centripetal force.

Magnetic field lines pass through a certain area is called a Flux density and its unit is Tesla.

Magnetic field strength /unit area is called flux and it denoted with symbol 

Magnetic Flux== BA

Where B is the magnetic field strength or magnetic lines passing through the area A. Magnetic flux is maximum when the filed lines falling perpendicular to the area A.

Now consider planet earth in this scenario, net electric strength outside the earth is zero so is the magnetic strength or flux. The electric field strength and magnetic field strength are accumulated inside the sphere that increased its flux density.

According to Einstein Special theory of relativity, the person moving in space with velocity g is exactly at the same state as the person standing on earth and subject to gravity g. For a stationary frame, which is earth, there is no magnetic field exist because there is no motion in charged particle. Again, perspective matter……from which frame of reference you are talking to. Earth is not moving for us! For a moving frame, which is moving in space, earth is in motion in the opposite direction to the moving frame.

Both perspectives are correct as both of them think that they are at rest and the rest one is moving.

For a stationary frame of reference, there is no magnetic force exist. It is balanced by the apparent force of gravity.

For a moving reference frame, there is an increase in electrical field, magnetic field, and velocity. Time is obviously changed in two frames.

Relatively increased electric and magnetic field strength and increased velocity of rotation provides mass and density to the object.

If anybody is interested to go in details how these changes are derived, there are good lectures of physicist HC Verma on electromagnetism. You can refer them and enrich your knowledge.

Electromagnetism is the functioning which creates illusion of gravity. The electric and magnetic fields can be obtained from the components of the electromagnetic tensor. The electromagnetic filed tensor is a mathematical object that describes the electromagnetic field in space time.

Whole cosmos is filled with charged particles and that is the reason there is an electric filed and magnetic field are prevalent in space. When any object falls in the interwoven electromagnetic field, it produces stress in all directions and distort the space-time fabric. This creates a cavity and gives an illusion of gravity! Mass and momentum flux curves space time. That is well defined in tensor field.

You want to understand the strength of electromagnetism, take an example of Jupiter. Jupiter’s magnetosphere is the largest and most powerful of any planetary magnetosphere in the Solar system. Jupiter magnetic field is 20 times stronger than earth. Some way it could be associated with rapid rotation of Jupiter around its axis that increases the magnetic field intensity. 

Earth rotation period is 24 hrs and for Jupiter’s rotational period is 9.8 earth hours. Because of this rapid rotation, the high energy charged particles are trapped in Jupiter’s atmosphere and create massive magnetic field. Jupiter’s massive size, strong magnetic field and dense core make the gravity so strong on Jupiter. This massive size of Jupiter produces a big cavity in a space. The surface gravity on Jupiter is 2.4 times that of the surface gravity of Earth. 

Gravity on earth 9.8 m/s2. It’s more of free fall. When anything free fall, it accelerates with the speed of 9.8 m for every second, towards the ground. Gravity on Jupiter is 24.79 m/s2.

Is there anything on earth which has the utmost gravity to attract almost anything? Yes, Money!! Money can attract anything in this world, today. But when we see the primitive time when humane were in development phase, the primitive stage and that stage is also known as Satyayuga. They knew nothing about money. Food, shelter, safety, Togetherness, team spirit, would the prime importance for them. Now the world has gone upside down. So, Gravity is not a fixed entity. It’s more of dynamic phenomenon of space-time continuum.

Gravity is just our experience, our approach towards massive thing. Now, what is massive, is again your perspective.

Why gravity is negligible compare to other fundamental forces? At quantum level we see particles in their truest form, unalloyed form that has filtered out all impurities. No more sheath over it except the original particle in its truest form remain. 

How do you suppose to see something at quantum level, which is non-existent in real form? Something which is designed on individual’s perspective and at the next moment cease to exist like never been there.

It’s nothing more than the Maya of prakriti! No rotating body can free itself from the gravitational principle. This is the only fact to keep in mind!  When you continuous rotate in a circle of Matrix, you can never be out of it. You can never differentiate between reality and illusion. 

Moksha gives you clarity of vision to see the thing as it exist. For knowing gravity, you need to go one level deep, you need to go at energy level. Gravity is the energy that you feel or the force you say that you feel. And it’s not necessary that the other one is also feeling the same energy. 

When someone is in love, only that person can tell how it feels. Rest cannot get any experimental proof of this.
All theories are based on experimental proof but the truth is they even haven’t seen protons and neutrons. It is the after affect that they measured.

Gravity is the spark that ignited the primaeval fire of kama, the desire in the tranquil state of nothingness and thus the Big bang happened. That was the first tiny string vibration propagated in time and eternal time manifested in a space-time continuum. Theory of relativity explains the behavior of space time and gravity is one of the phenomena of space time. It never claims the origin of gravity; it tells only how we perceive gravity.

Gravity is the source of energy within us, the very basics of our existence but we don’t care. That ‘why It is inactive at quantum level. We only see and feel the apparent force of gravity in manifested forms. This is the reason relativity principle works very well in our world.

Gravity is the universal truth, basis of creation. Whenever you get over gravity, you return to the source. Vairagya is opposite to Gravity! This is the aim of every soul!