Saturday, February 15, 2020

Illusion of Gravity: Vairagya is the path......

Individual  moving charge particle also creates a magnetic field around it. Magnetic field strength depends on the number of charged particles passing through it. The strength of magnetic field depends on the amount of charges passing through the wire and velocity of the charges passing through the wire.

Current is the flow of charge/second. By applying Flaming’s left-hand rule, you can get the direction of force caused due to magnetic field. This magnetic force guides the motion of the current. The magnetic force is maximum when it is perpendicular to the electric field and perpendicular to the direction of motion.
Force exerts due to electric field is F== Eq

Where E is the electric field and q is the charge. So Electric field is Force/Unit charge.

Force exerts due to magnetic field is F== Bqv

Where B is value of the magnetic field, q is the charge and v is its velocity.

Thus, if we equate both the values, Eq==Bqv


When electrical field strength is equal to Magnetic field strength, there will be no net force applied on a charged particle and particle move in a straight line.

A moving charges particle in a magnetic field is being curved and going around in a circle of radius r.

Force applied on that particle is

But, if anything moves in a circle, there is centripetal force acting on it.

The value of centripetal force,


Where m is the mass of the particle, v is the velocity and r is the radius.

Now equate both the forces. And after solving this we get


Thus, different charged particles have different velocities. Mass and velocity of the particle determine the strength of the magnetic field. If particle is rotating fast, the magnetic field is increased. When particle moving in a circle, its angular momentum balance the centripetal force.

Magnetic field lines pass through a certain area is called a Flux density and its unit is Tesla.

Magnetic field strength /unit area is called flux and it denoted with symbol 

Magnetic Flux== BA

Where B is the magnetic field strength or magnetic lines passing through the area A. Magnetic flux is maximum when the filed lines falling perpendicular to the area A.

Now consider planet earth in this scenario, net electric strength outside the earth is zero so is the magnetic strength or flux. The electric field strength and magnetic field strength are accumulated inside the sphere that increased its flux density.

According to Einstein Special theory of relativity, the person moving in space with velocity g is exactly at the same state as the person standing on earth and subject to gravity g. For a stationary frame, which is earth, there is no magnetic field exist because there is no motion in charged particle. Again, perspective matter……from which frame of reference you are talking to. Earth is not moving for us! For a moving frame, which is moving in space, earth is in motion in the opposite direction to the moving frame.

Both perspectives are correct as both of them think that they are at rest and the rest one is moving.

For a stationary frame of reference, there is no magnetic force exist. It is balanced by the apparent force of gravity.

For a moving reference frame, there is an increase in electrical field, magnetic field, and velocity. Time is obviously changed in two frames.

Relatively increased electric and magnetic field strength and increased velocity of rotation provides mass and density to the object.

If anybody is interested to go in details how these changes are derived, there are good lectures of physicist HC Verma on electromagnetism. You can refer them and enrich your knowledge.

Electromagnetism is the functioning which creates illusion of gravity. The electric and magnetic fields can be obtained from the components of the electromagnetic tensor. The electromagnetic filed tensor is a mathematical object that describes the electromagnetic field in space time.

Whole cosmos is filled with charged particles and that is the reason there is an electric filed and magnetic field are prevalent in space. When any object falls in the interwoven electromagnetic field, it produces stress in all directions and distort the space-time fabric. This creates a cavity and gives an illusion of gravity! Mass and momentum flux curves space time. That is well defined in tensor field.

You want to understand the strength of electromagnetism, take an example of Jupiter. Jupiter’s magnetosphere is the largest and most powerful of any planetary magnetosphere in the Solar system. Jupiter magnetic field is 20 times stronger than earth. Some way it could be associated with rapid rotation of Jupiter around its axis that increases the magnetic field intensity. 

Earth rotation period is 24 hrs and for Jupiter’s rotational period is 9.8 earth hours. Because of this rapid rotation, the high energy charged particles are trapped in Jupiter’s atmosphere and create massive magnetic field. Jupiter’s massive size, strong magnetic field and dense core make the gravity so strong on Jupiter. This massive size of Jupiter produces a big cavity in a space. The surface gravity on Jupiter is 2.4 times that of the surface gravity of Earth. 

Gravity on earth 9.8 m/s2. It’s more of free fall. When anything free fall, it accelerates with the speed of 9.8 m for every second, towards the ground. Gravity on Jupiter is 24.79 m/s2.

Is there anything on earth which has the utmost gravity to attract almost anything? Yes, Money!! Money can attract anything in this world, today. But when we see the primitive time when humane were in development phase, the primitive stage and that stage is also known as Satyayuga. They knew nothing about money. Food, shelter, safety, Togetherness, team spirit, would the prime importance for them. Now the world has gone upside down. So, Gravity is not a fixed entity. It’s more of dynamic phenomenon of space-time continuum.

Gravity is just our experience, our approach towards massive thing. Now, what is massive, is again your perspective.

Why gravity is negligible compare to other fundamental forces? At quantum level we see particles in their truest form, unalloyed form that has filtered out all impurities. No more sheath over it except the original particle in its truest form remain. 

How do you suppose to see something at quantum level, which is non-existent in real form? Something which is designed on individual’s perspective and at the next moment cease to exist like never been there.

It’s nothing more than the Maya of prakriti! No rotating body can free itself from the gravitational principle. This is the only fact to keep in mind!  When you continuous rotate in a circle of Matrix, you can never be out of it. You can never differentiate between reality and illusion. 

Moksha gives you clarity of vision to see the thing as it exist. For knowing gravity, you need to go one level deep, you need to go at energy level. Gravity is the energy that you feel or the force you say that you feel. And it’s not necessary that the other one is also feeling the same energy. 

When someone is in love, only that person can tell how it feels. Rest cannot get any experimental proof of this.
All theories are based on experimental proof but the truth is they even haven’t seen protons and neutrons. It is the after affect that they measured.

Gravity is the spark that ignited the primaeval fire of kama, the desire in the tranquil state of nothingness and thus the Big bang happened. That was the first tiny string vibration propagated in time and eternal time manifested in a space-time continuum. Theory of relativity explains the behavior of space time and gravity is one of the phenomena of space time. It never claims the origin of gravity; it tells only how we perceive gravity.

Gravity is the source of energy within us, the very basics of our existence but we don’t care. That ‘why It is inactive at quantum level. We only see and feel the apparent force of gravity in manifested forms. This is the reason relativity principle works very well in our world.

Gravity is the universal truth, basis of creation. Whenever you get over gravity, you return to the source. Vairagya is opposite to Gravity! This is the aim of every soul! 

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