Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Plants (Lokas) Vs Grahas

We grew up learning that there are 9 planets in our solar system but now it’s a debatable issue whether we have 8 or 9 planets. Ancient Indians believed that Earth revolves around the Sun and there was much larger universe with far reaching starts and lokas and other celestial items. Ancient Indians and Greeks saw the two similar components in the night sky: one was fixed starts—motionless and one was moving relative to the fixed starts and that was called wandering starts. But it was different from fixed starts so named different and Planets come into existence.
The ancient world saw the seven bodies including Sun and Moon in the night sky and thus, we have seven days in a week, seven Lokas or seven heavens.

The seven celestial bodies were Earth, Moon,Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Hindu culture celebrates the Navagraha concept and how it affects our life. While Indian astrology is much more than Navagraha; there are Saptarrishi Graha, Dhruva Graha, Rudra Graha and more. Graha means home, which is FIXED and motionless. In Sanskrit, Graha means Crocodile. People get chewed by the crocodile in our mythologies because of their sense pleasure.   It has other meaning like tenacity, perceiving, holding, loot, and seizing. Graha is fixed Zodiac. Planet is the Greek word for ‘Wanderer’. Planet moves, wander but Graha is permanent at one place. Planet exist in real world in astronomy and Graha is imaginary and exist in astrology. Graha is opposite of Planet. Astronomy is not Astrology. Graha is more of mental state or indigenous qualities/nature/behaviour.

Astrologers deal with 9 planets (wanderer) of astronomy and name them Astrology. The Navagraha of astrology is actually Lokas in our milieu with existing planes and physical boundaries. Lokas are the wandering planets of Astronomy and are habitable world. Lokas represent the potential in humanity at every stage of life and conquering all barriers to reach to the higher loka (Satya.) Sun was not the loka as it was not habitable. But it was called Grahapati (lord of Grahas).  Moon is Lokapati or lord of starts so technically habitable. There are 14 lokas (7 upper worlds and 7 lower worlds) in Indian beliefs which are dwelling places.
So when we talk about astrology actually we calculate astronomical positions of nine planets (lokas NOT grahas) and their effect on individual’s life. Earlier, there were Six planets plus Sun and Moon. But Moon is satellite and Jupiter and Saturn also has many moons and including them the number of planets would have gone rise, so Moon was discarded as planet. When Neptune discovered, they had 7 planets. Then in 1930, they thought Pluto was size of Earth and we had 9 planets. So planets were increasing or decreasing in numbers as the discoveries progress.  Uranus and Neptune were not known to the ancient Indians when they started horoscope calculations.
So the 7 Urdhalokas (upperworld) are used as allegorical for grahas.
Chandra is the name in Astrology for Graha, but name of the Planet or satellite Moon is Vasu Visva, Son of Dharma.  We have the Eight Vasus, the elemental Gods, Fire, Wind, Earth, Sky, Space, Light, Shining, Moon & Stars. Chandra indicates mind. The loka is Bhuvas, the space for thoughts, the human potential. It is the atmospheric sphere extends from Earth to Sun. Bhuvar loka is the neighborhood of earth, the space where all birds, artifacts fly, and satellites revolves in the orbit of Earth. Through his mind, thoughts, potential and conquered senses man can surpass the Artha or materialism of Earth and become light as bird and fly in air. Chandra as Graha ensures your mental strength, will power and potential in you to come out from the earthly attachments and mundane tasks.
Surya is the name in astrology for Graha and Sun was called Prajapati (King, Janak, Pita) in Astronomy. Leader, King, Conqueror, Mahaveer, Ruler who rule the world and guide their subordinates—the torch bearer. The Disk of Sun is called Vivasvana (current MAnvatara and father of Yama and Saturn). Svarloka is beyond Bhuvar loka and is the dwelling place for Devas. Surya is the Soul and ultimate goal of every life to identify its true self (Soul) through knowledge (Sun) and awareness. In material sense, Sun represents position, power, status, personality and in higher or spiritual sense it is the light and awareness that unleash the reality as it is and lead you to the truth and knowledge. You become conqueror like Buddha and Mahaveer.
Mangal Graha in Astrology, and in Astronomy the Planet Mars is Angaraka or Lohita and is the Planet of Kartikeya (war lord). Mangala is son of Shiva and Bhumi or Vishnu and Bhumi. Angaraka is son of Agni and son of Agni is war god and commander of Gods like Neela was in Rama army and Dristhdumna in Pandavas and Skanda (Kartikeya) in Indra army and they crushed their enemies. Agni is energy or hidden force to lit fire, to imbibe strength and valor in person body and mind to break the inertia and fight. It’s a Volatile temper, might, mobility, force, courage and non-exhaustion. In Greeks mythology, Ares is war lord and Angaraka concept is taken from Proto-Indo-European myths.
Buddha Graha or planet Mercury is Narayana associated with Upendra (Indra younger brother) Avatar. Buddha means enlightenment, intellect, and decision making. Mahar is the higher Dharma, thinking about the humanity and renouncing the individual Ahankara or identity. Those people reside in Mahar loka. It is the exploring the natural resources and experimenting with chemical and minerals and Narayana brings new objects into creation which benefits the human beings. Higher Dharma or the objective of creation leads people or individual to equality, compassion, Ahimsa, love, dharma and benefits to humanity.
Venus or Shukra Graha is material enjoyment. Shukra is the joy or Kama which creates life with impulsive and unbound thoughts. Shukra was adventures Guru who lived his life without any discrimination of good and bad. How can one understand good in bad or vice-versa without going through it?  He exploits his full potentials and accepted every challenge of life with full mind and full heart.
Life is joy, life is vitality, life is Kama and Sacrifice is Kama. Kama is the root of Sanyasa. Renunciation of life cannot be understood with the desire of sacrifice. DESIRE is Mahat, spontaneous sportive activity, the unbounded thought that creates life.  Creation is the action of an unfettered mind and unrestricted thought, the Mahata. Shukra is the manifestation of Prana inside the body that revives life in dead.
Jana loka is the creativity. Creativity is the manifestation of love that is felt direct through heart. Love for music, love for art, love for dance, love for books, love for learning, love for playing, and so on. We show our love through our creativity or Bhakti to our lord. 
Kavi Shukracharya was the son of Jayanti (daughter of Indra) and Rishabha in Jainism. All sons of Jayanti become mendicant preachers and it is written that they were ‘Sahrmana Vatarashana’ or Sharmana clothed in the wind.  Sukracharya has several sons including a group of nine highly evolved yogis. These Yogis were the propounders of Bhagwata dharma. As per Puranas, Shukaracharya was the son of Bhrgu and adopted by Shiva thus, he was son of Shiva also.
Bhraspati or Jupiter was the epitome of goodness and the Guru of Gods while Shukra was the Guru of Asuras. But it was Shukra who had Mrtasanjivani Vidya, who was capable to revive the dead but Bhraspati was not. Sukracharya was the guru of Asuras. A-suras are reflection of Suras or Pratibimba means ANTI. We see our right as left or opposite in mirror. Suras fought A-suras, Devas fought Danava, A-dityas fought Daityas; they fought with their ANTI the evil of their heart. The Asitkadi or historical interpretation is that they were all One society but diverted on contradictions and conflicts of opinions and ideologies.
Bhraspati is wisdom. He lives in Tapa loka where one reach after severe austerities. Shukra is the reflection of Bhraspati in mirror. Bhraspati is the ascension of Shukra. Bhraspati Graha or Tapa loka is achieved after a mental, spiritual, or evolutionary enlightenment. Ascension is a complete physical and spiritual phenomenon. One has to enter in materialism and accept every aspect of life with full mind for spiritual evolution. Renouncing of senses has no meaning when they aren’t aware of senses. How can you renounce something which you haven’t possessed ever? That’s why we had 4 ashrams in a life time and everybody has to go through and enjoy every ashram of life. Almost of our ancient sages and Gods are married and had families. 

To be Continued........

Planets (Lokas) Vs Grahas Continued

The highest loka is Satya loka or Saturn Graha. It is the ultimate truth! Shani or Planet Satrun is Yama and is associated with Rudra (Storm god of Rigveda who later absorbed in Pashupati or Shiva). Satya is the state when you assimilate in Supersoul (Parmatama) and get free from birth/re-birth cycle. It gives you Moksha and unleashes the Karma cycle. Shani signifies controller or nervous system. It is a mental toughness, a solitude state! Live like Hamsa who look calm and serene but inside water it is peddling hard through water. Lotus petals and leaves grow and survive in water but water drops never touch them! Saturn is the solitude planet. It stands alone among the rest of planets but never lonely.
Ascension to higher states can happen when a human evolves the ability to use approximately 90% of his or her brain capacity. When one is pure spirit, open mind and conquered 5 Jyanendriyans through 5 Karmnendriyans. At the time of creation the 5 organs of knowledge and 5 organs of actions are created that are led by Indra--the mind or knowledge. These organs are connected with 5 elements of existence or Prakriti. These 5 Karmendriyan are:

Karmnendriyan Action Organ Connected Tatva or Element
Eliminate Release Rectum Earth
Reproduce Mate Genitals Water
Move Walk Feet Fire
Grasp Skill Hand Air
Speak Speech Mouth Ether
It has nothing to do with action in material world. It is a mental state of awareness and action.

Chinese did associate the five planets with five elements (panchamahabhuta) Fire, Earth, Water, Wood (or Air or Sound), Metal (or Ether or Sky). But Indians have no such concept.

Mind travels in the perforated extensive expanse Ether of heart, where only Vak (the subtle sound) or dark energy works. Vak is Shakti, knowledge, light, the Saraswati. Matter doesn't exist there, dark matter outweigh visible matter with heavy gravitational force. Sensory neurons which respond to touch, sound, light and all other stimuli doesn't respond in Ether (dark matter). Dark matter doesn't absorb, reflect or emit light. Person reach to the Samadhi state: no more existence of physical body or matter and its sensory pleasure.
The next 2 Grahas are Rahu and Ketu, though they don’t exist in planetary system. Svarbhanu (Sound of Sun) is the 8th Graha and split of Svarbhanu into Rahu and Ketu came after Vaishnava cult. Svarbhanu was the son of Viprachitti (Nature of Brahmin). Viprachitti was Daitya and reached to Indrahood.  Ketu is associated in English with Meteor or comet. Ketu was not Graha for a long time in Hindu Astrology. Navagraha concept came very later and Varahmihir (ancient scientist of Gupta era who invented Zero and many discoveries) son Hora had led its foundation. Rahu is shadowy graha; its wisdom is tempered. Ketu is asteroids.  Rahu is the Atma striving for perfection and merge with Parmatama. It was seeking the Amrita, the nectar of life. Rahu strive to better himself by consuming Amrita to build the bridge between Atma to Parmatama. Sun and Moon was Rakshasaa thus, they identified Rahu. 
Sun is the knowledge or intellect but what happened when intellect suppress the Soul—the trueself? The knowledge, the light of Sun and Moon was wounded and diminished because they were debarring their Soul to reach to ultimate truth. Mohini is Vishnu and Sudarshana Chakra is the release from attachment that separated Rahu head from his body and releases him from all desires of life (body). Head (desire to merge with Parmatama) was separated from body (attachments) but it revealed the lost light of Sun and Moon. Sun and Moon become weak and lost their shinning (knowledge). Rahu is cowherder (Soul) also who is herding Sun (light and knowledge) and Moon. 
As Sun and Moon were eclipsed, the power of Devas reduced and darkness spread all around. Historical interpretation is, the society was fighting each other, lots of bloodshed, chaos and no laws and dharma remained. Evil and darkness were dominating and Devas or goodness had lost its status. Mithira was the Sun at that time who was wounded by Rahu. Mithira had reduced its stature as prime God. Mithira is Zorastrian’s Ahura Mazda.

So, Navagrahas are actually 7 lokas, the wanderer planets, including Rahu and Ketu. Rahu and Ketu are representing the self. Ancient astronomers or sages weren’t able to reach to Sky but there were able to reach to human anatomy, its whole nervous system, its senses, brain and heart. They resembled Universe (Antarishka) with humane body (central nervous system and brain) and discovered the deep hidden truth which we still are unable to understand. The seven lokas lies in 7 Chakras of Kundalini. Kundalini Chakras are centers of energy, which look after our physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual being. These chakras give us the absolute perception of Reality on our central nervous system as we develop our Chakra system.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

India Independence and partition......................

Facts which people generally don't know and no one bothered to find. I got this enriching and eye opener article at some page. The question was:
If there was no Hitler, no world War II, India would have become independent by 1942.

The Gandhi Irwin Pact in 1932 set the foundation of the transfer of powers of India as a dominion. Though Gandhi had modified the demands to Purna swarajya.
The 1935 India Act passed and devolved the powers to Indian provinces.
Each of 11 provinces would elect a PM called Premier to differentiate from Prime Minister of England and other dominions.
1935 had Viceroy council elections under this act,
77 seats only, Congress won 44 and Congress Nationalists (future BJP) won 11. 55 out of 77.
Then under that administration, the provincial elections took place.
Congress winning most seats. Muslim League won 110 of 486 muslim seats. minuscle minority of minority of seats. Congress won 707 direct seats plus nationalists and other allies on 17 July 1937,
Congress goverments formed 1937
Govind Ballabh Pant was PM of UP,
Rajgopalachari as PM of Madras,
Saadulah headed coalition with Congress in Assam,
BG Kher was PM of Bombay of alliance with Ambedkar and DSP
SriKrishna Sinha swept Bihar
NB Khare won the Central provinces
Dr. Khan won the muslim majority NWFP
Biswanath Das won Orissa
Sindh was a hung government and local British governor played with vested interests
Punjab was muslim majority
Dr Sikandar Hyatt allied with Sir Chhotu Ram won secular Unioniist party govt
(why is Sikandar hyatt familiar to you guys, Veer Zaara zaara was his great granddaughter!!)
Fazlul Haq formed KPK European ML alliance govt as Prime Minister of Bengal.
(he never used title Premier, but actual title Prime Minister of Bengal)
In Punjab:
Unionists won 95 (Union of India), Khalsa got 14, Hindu nationalists 11, Congress
18, Akalis 10, Muslim league just 1 seat and 26 others in 175 seats.
In Bengal:
Situation was strange, 250 seats, 23 independents won backed by Zamindars
Krishak Praja Party of AK Fazlul Haq won 36 seats, allied with Muslim league 40
against Congress 54 Mahasabha 32
europeans won 25, Independent scheduled castes won 23.

IN NWFP, Congress won 19 seats and 7 more were won by Hindu Nationalists plus some
muslim allies of Congress. They easily formed govt with 30 members of 50.
In Bombay, Congress won 88 of 175 seats (contested just 110); its allies Ambedkar's ILP won 12 (plus 2 independents) and Tilak's DSP won 5
Sindh had Sindhi parties winning 29 seats of 60 including Shah Nawaz Bhutto's United
Party (modern PPP) with 22 though Bhutto lost. Congress won 8 plus allies 2,
Mahasabha won 11.
The issue and politics of sindh did not allow stable ministry for long time.
in 1937, Jinnah suggested an alliance with Congress in other provinces. historians like to blame Nehru for not taking that alliance but the fact was in Bengal, Muslim League with 40 seats supported KPK with 36 seats while Congress with 54 seats and backed by 23 independents would have formed more stable govt.
Also Jinnah and Fazlul Haq conspired with Governor who gave 25 europeans and 23 schedule caste votes to their alliance.
If Jinnah had backed Congress League alliance in Bengal then history would have been different.
Even then, League has 109 seats to Congress 707 plus allies taking to 850.
The idea was in 1940, there will be a constituent assembly elections and in 1942, second elections to states would then vote for Independent India with each province choosing to stay in empire or move to Independent India.
That is why senior congress leaders did not became PMs at state level. Rajendra Prasad, Nehru, Patel, Azad, et all remained at Central level. Jinnah was too afraid to contest. He did not. He would have won in Bombay but did not take the risk.
Congress won 8 provinces, Punjab was lead by Unionists who believed in empire, Hyatt Khan however came into alliance with Congress and Akalis! His death saw partition of India as his control over muslim majority of Punjab went away to Jinnah's control.
In Bengal also, Congress was gaining control.
1942 would have seen Independent India.
You have to remember it was labor govt in Britain and liberal PM Dr. Ramsay McDonald who set the ball rolling with Gandhi. In 1940 elections, the labor would have won a majority and Clement Attlee was in favor of Indian independence.
As the british politics moved towards acceptance of Indian dominion and independence, there was a counter movement.
There was since early 1930s a group of British civil servants who planned for Indian independence and planned for creating a second state which will serve british interests and protect the Arabian interests aka OIL.
Mind it, there were factions in british civil service which were pro India also and backed Indian independence.
We are unique in our freedom struggle as our colonial masters were democratic also.
You cannot tarr "THEM" with same brush. Each democracy ahs many factions at all levels.
There was a reason why Gandhi chose the paths he did because he believed in innate goodness of democracy and its ability to control
the base nature of the beast inside the man. He was proved right.
The british technocrat groups worked at odds with each other also. They would have followed eventually the elected PM or the political masters.
That would be Attlee in 1940.
Indians are always too full of themselves. They were not the targets anymore. The OIL in Arabia was the future. British technocrats realized that long back.
But they needed a proxy to administer it, guard it and Independent India was not answer.
They approached several scholars, at Cambridge, at Oxford and at aligarh Muslim University for solutions.
They wanted a second state in the region after Independent India to control.
Again, these scholars would have worked on these as hypothetical excercises as administrative problems not as mainline conspirators. Their works were later even published.
Dr. Reginald Coupland actually published all his work on this by 1944!!
He looked at suggestion to create Christian Tribalistan in North East India under British empire and rejected it on administrative grounds. In his 1943 magnum opus.
Burma, an Indian province, was but detached from India in 1937 as was Malaya and Singapore by British technocrats.
The forthcoming Indian independence would include the indian administered Yemen, Aden, and the princely states of arabia. They were also removed in 1937 from Bombay presidency to enable separate administration of these colonies keeping them in empire. UAE was free in 1969. Yemen after a civil war in 1950s.
Reginald Coupland looked at ideas of
1. Bengal State
2. Expanded Bengal aka Ganga State
3. Deccan State
4. Indusstan
5. Rajputana
6. Princesstan
Princesttan was one favored by the technocrats backed by Winston Churchill. The Princestan would cover most of modern Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP and even Kosala part of Orissa separating North India from Deccan.
There were indications of this policy and the counter british technocrats backing India informed our leaders. Counter moves by Indian leaders started.
Nehru lead an agitation and was arrested in Nabha spending months in jail there under horrible conditions. That enabled congress to start using states populations to rally to their side.
Gandhi talked with helpful princes and they started creating constitutional monarchies with idea to merger with India. Kotah, baroda, Aundh are great examples.
Aundh King donated whole state to Future India. One would even say, Aundh was where Independent India was born in 1930s itself, the first part of India to be independent.
Why is this part of puranas and vedas or Mahbharata discussion?
Aundh trust was one that backed critical edition of Mahbharata at BORI, they set up funds for critical edition of Puranas.
Princesstan was the trump churchill thought he had which was rendered useless from 1931 onwards by efforts of Gandhi and Nehru.
Mewar and Kotah would never agree to independent rajputana so that idea was also closed by Coupland.
Jinnah was the candidate of the British technocrats group to lead second state.
As India moved to independence under its own governments, the chess game was on.
Richard Casey, Fredrick Burrows, Francis Mudie, Hugh Dow, Olaf Caroe, Henry Craik, Bernard Glancy, Lancelot Graham, Francis Wylie moved to Indian provinces as governors.
Caroe, Graham, Mudie, Dow were ring leaders and they got themselves as governors of Sindh, NWFP, Punjab and Bengal. I would add Moon of Bhwalapur to the list and several British Residents of Bhopal, Indore et all to this list.
They targeted those provinces and made sure their puppets the Muslim league were supported in that areas.
Lancelot Graham was governor of sindh, SUP won 22 seats and he got 18 of those to defect to Muslim league so they can form one govt. 1st defections. Dow and Mudie were governors of Sindh and Bengal and Bihar at various times to ensure this processes. Dow and Mudie made sure Congres and nationalist muslims never formed govt in Sindh because they needed sea access and sindh was important for that. That is why Sindh was separated from Bombay in 1936.
Sindh ensured direct ruled Baluchistan right next to OIL!!
Caroe in 1940 even booth captured couple of bye elections to get muslim league seats in NWFP without which Indusstan idea was unworkable. First booth capturing!
all this would have been useless if Attlee won the elections and he was PM. The british technocrats would have had to accept political directives.
How powerful is bureaucracy?
Vyapam scam is cheating for exams for civil service. years generations of civil servants are in their posts using cheating practises and the people affected are civil servants. For four years this is under investigation, no hullaboo as people affected are civil servants, They work in dark, secret. maybe that is why titles are secretary!!
Now it is in public eye as a political scam not a Civil servant scam! see the power of bureaucracy, the govt convicting these civil servants is under trial!!
That is the power and reach of bureaucracy.
1940 would have rolled by and Attlee would be PM and then India would be independent with no issues.
What happened?
Hitler invaded Poland! The British governor general of India declared India as a participant without asking elected congress govts.
They had to resign in protest.
Victor Alexander John Hope was one of the anti-india technocrats. remember simon commission, he was on it.
In 1930s, he became chairman of select committee on Indian constitutional reform, the organization controlling march of Indian independence and was prime reason for delay between 1932 and 1935 and again 1937 elections!!
He even declined plum posts as Governor of Madras (with interests over Malaya) and the Governor Generalship of Australia. The plum post in British empire.
His father was 1st governor general of australia!! He refused that to utter
amazement of everyone. He wanted to delay Indian independence. He took Viceroyship of India instead.
He was the one who bypassed congress govts and sacked 8 provinces where Congress had full majorities.
On the political side, Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru expressed the general feeling thus: '
Today, I say, after seven years of Lord Linlithgow's administration the country is much more divided than it was when he came here'
The world war 2 was from 1939 to 1945. 6 years. 6 years!
No british election in 1940. Churchill became PM of united british ministery, Attlee was deputy PM.
Churcill had no hope of becoming PM otherwise!!
So the British technocrats had their guy as PM!!!
6 years which ssaw death of Sikandar Hyatt and Punjab muslims now under Jinnah control. Fazlul Haq also died. The leaders who could challenge Jinnah died!!
6 years of Conservative rule and 6 years of anti india bureaucratic dominance.
They were so sure of themselves, they allowed Coupland to publish his work!!
6 years for muslim league to come from 25% of muslim vote to 86% of Muslim vote.
1945, Attlee was PM, he started the modalities of Indian independence immediately.
1946 saw Congress win 93% of general vote and Muslim League win 86% of muslim league..
In central assembly congress won 59 seats and Muslim league 30.
Genie was out of bottle.
Muslim provinces:
NWFP: Congress again won! despite Caroe's machinations.
The population was 3 million, 360K Hindus and sikhs.
the plebiscite for pakistan recorded 376K votes only, 250K for Pakistan!
See how the elections aka plebiscite was stolen! That is why any kashmir plebiscite is not possible.
The votes in 1947 plebisciite for pakistan had 250K votes for Pakistan in a state where 360K plus Hindus lived!!!!!!!
Sindh: 60 seats
Congress won 21, GM sayyad won 4 and nationalist muslim won 3 and 3 europeans and 1 labor party beat Muslim league;'s 27 seats!! They could form govt.
Both had 28 supporters but governor intervened and cheated and formed minority muslim league govt. The governor was Hugh Dow who soon moved to Bihar to forment issues! Mudie took over in Sindh!!
Punjab 175 seats
Congress 51 seats, Unionist 20 Akalis 22 others 9 against Mulsim League 73
congress actually formed govt!! but was not allowed to function.
Governor Evan Jenkins did not demobilize more than 60K returning muslim soldiers who became Musim guard under Muslim league to terrorize the province.
6 MLAs from unionists to save lives joined Muslim league, 6 others left.
Bengal 250 seats
Muslim league won 113 seats
Congress won 86 and Nationalists 12 14 independnts
But governor Richard Casey an aussie and close confidant of Churchill directed 25 europeans to vote for Muslim league!
Suhrawardy formed govt with european help and unleashed the Calcutta riots!!
Rest is history.

So, If Hitler had not started world war 2, not only 6 million jews, 2 million roma,
29 million slavs, 4 million bengali peasants in 1943 fammine, 15-20 million Chinese, millions of others would not have died.
Also, Muslim league would not have 10 years to prepare for next elections neither would they have political backing of a conservative govt in britain through the technocrat group.
The muslim hindu problem would have been resolved inside an Indian union under Indian discussions and noting that Jinnah died in 1948, his death would have broken the back of partitionists. Liaqat and others were too soft and corrupt!!
United India means no great game in afghanistan, no issues from afghanistan invasions, no 9/11, no ....
somewhere out there is an earth in another Cosmic egg of Brahma where Johann Georg Elser's plot to kill Hitler in 1939 would be a success and we would have flying cars out there and bustling cities on Mars and mines on asteroids and gas fracking on Venus. Somewhere out there.
Please read the seminal work for this The Great Game by Peter Hopkirk (i have bought several copies and people keep borrowing them and never returning them!)
Grand chesboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski, secretary state of USA and one of proponents of modern manicheanism
Karl Meyer and Shareen Blair Brysac 's Tournament of Shadows.
the 1904 Heartland theory seminal work may be part of it but does not involve Indian partition, too early.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Creation of Life...................

Earth is about 4.32 billion years old and as per Puranic description it is 1 Kalpa old. 2 Kalpa make a day and a night of a Brahma and He lives a 100 years in this life cycle. Current Brahma age is 51 years. 1 Kalpa is divided in 14 Manvataras and we are in 7th Manvatara: in the mid of the creation and recreation process. Each Manvatara has 71 Chaturyugas and each Chaturyuga consists 4 Yugas (Krita/Satya, Treta, Dwaper and Kali).
The time period of each Yuga is calculated in Divine years as follows:

1 Humane year (360 days) = 1 Divine day (day & night) and 360 Divine days= 1 Divine year.
1 Divine year= 360*360= 12900 Humane year, and after covering that time period the humane will reach to Deva status. The time is a distance itself!

Life cycle of Chaturyuga is calculated as:
12,000 Divine years= 1 Chaturyuga
4,800 DY (Krita Yuga)+ 3,600 DY(Treta Yuga)+ 2,400 DY(Dwaper Yuga)+ 1,200 DY(Kali Yuga)
==1200,00 DY==120,000*360== 4,32,000,00 Humane Year

There are 71 such Chaturyugas in 1 Manvatara and there are 14 Manvataras in 1 Kalpa of Brahma. Afterwards, Brahma goes to sleep and the whole creation and our earth will go to dissolve for the same time period (71 Chaturyaga periods) until the new creation starts the next day of Brahma. 1 Day and Night of Brahma is end with the creation and destruction of universe and Brahma lives for 100 years!

For a normal being the reality lives in 3-dimensional objects but for the exalted one the time is perceived as another direction or plane of existence. So the future appears to us as something will happen in time at certain point and the Siddhas see the future as another dimension that they have to cover to reach that point. They are taking 12900 Humane year to reach to Devas places, consider the penances and hardships they are indulged in his life time. Though, for Devas it is mere 1 Divine year! This is the Metaphysical interpretation to represent the humane potential to reach to Devas status! The exalted one sees the universe parallel where the events are occurring simultaneously in universe while for us it seems to be happened in next Yuga cycle. Thus, time is also a dimension they can travel in.

There is a Long Living (surpassed the time and reached to another dimension) KakBhusandi (Crow-Swan) who had seen many versions of Ramayana and Mahabharat, Samudra Manthan, Koorma avatar, Mohini avatar, Varaha avatar, many Brahma, Vishnu, Vashistha, Vamana at different time periods. They may be the rebirth of earlier one as we know Atma is imperishable! They might give the feeling of Déjà vu! 

In Mahabharata, sage Lomasha told Yudhistera that this is the 3rd time he is taking them to the same teertha. Yudhistera had gone through the same cycle two times before, but didn’t learn his lesson form life. Third time was the final visit to the same teertha and afterwards, he courageously came upfront for the war against evils. Life gives many chances to humane to correct their mistakes of previous birth, learn the unfinished lesson and act accordingly. One cannot escape with his/her karma. The entire concept of having a life is to unite Jeeva with Parmatama.

The source of the universe is the eternal Brahman; beginingless and endless, unborn and incomprehensible. It is always existing since time immemorial s as this universe is not the beginning of a creation. As per Nasaditya Sukta of Rigveda, they didn’t know who created the universe and to whom they should give havi (offerings). The ancient scriptures say the elementary composition of the universe is Sun and the rest of the universe are woven in a string (Vayu). Vayu is not just air! Vayu means which is all pervading and which takes the shape of every object in the universe.

The creation starts with principle Mahat (divine intellect) and ends with five elements (Water, Vayu, Earth, Ether/sky, and Agni) of life. The Brahman or Mahat was un-manifest and in unconscious state, Gunas were in equilibrium state. There was no change or movement or energy flow from one state to other. The Brahman or Atman was still and in tranquil state. It was in Sata or eternal state.

Vayu moves and wake Brahma, it changes the balance between gunas, allow energy to start flowing and the divine intellect came into existence. Vayu, the divine thread of the universe, or string take the form of Varaha and extracts earth from the celestial ocean. The Varaha set the earliest geography, rearrange mountains, oceans, lands, environment for the creation to start.  In the beginning there was a large ocean or celestial water (dark matter). Brahmananda is the cosmic egg lying there for an innumerable yugas. Brahma, being Vayu, Rochana (divine thread) himself, moves over the cosmic celestial ocean, brings up the earth from the bottom. This was the appearance of life and movement on earth where the wind, Vayu, the vital breath cannot be disassociated from earth.

Vayu is the life force in a body and we are alive till the life force is inside the body otherwise we are no more: the life force has left him, he is no more in the body. At the very beginning, life has taken form of a unicellular and then gradually it developed into multicellulars. Those, who were regularly striving with their surroundings, actively functioning and inactivating their cells to produce more, converted into multicellulars. 

They were endeavoring for life, for joy instead of surrendering the merciless and harsh nature. This Prana or life force is the first and last manifestation of life and movement. This Prana or Vayu is the Prabhanjana (destroyer) or Shiva also as unicellular has to be destroyed to take form of a multicellular. So Brahma (Vayu) is creating life and sacrificing himself (Shiva) for the sake of life! And, we are part of a Brahma (Super Soul) connected to the Brahma and one’s end give the new beginning to another. Passion or activity or Karma in the pursuit of knowledge or enlightenment or Satya make us the Brahma!

Beautifully the concept is explained through Puranic mythology. The Mahat (divine intellect) created the consciousness, the Purusha or Atma or Jeeva. And Prakriti is the material components prevalent in nature which configure the human brain,thoughts, and gunas. Brahma immediately created the Prajapati Ruci. Ruci is the interest, interest of life, interest to create and that interest has created through of agitation/imbalance of Gunas (Sata, Rajas, and Tamas). Ruci had 2 sons: Yagneya and Rochana. Yagneya is the chief of the universe, who manages and preserves the universe as Vishnu, destroy and unleash the pralaya as Shiva. He is the ultra powerful god of Rigveda, the Indra himself. 

Then there are many levels of creations where they created various groups of Devas, Pitras, Prajapatis, Dharmas, Rudras, Aditayas, Vasus, Ganas, Visvedevas, Maruts and etc. Prajapati daughters married Dharma and gave birth to various groups of Devas or religions who had spread to different world and different pantheons. Dharma or YamaDharma is known in all cultures across the earth, from Japanese, to Mongol, Ugrians, Finns, Scandinavians and many more.

Indra is the brain (king), which controls the Indraiyan (devas).There is the step ladder to reach to the ultimate state of Moksha:

The matter- Senses (Devas) - The mind (Indra) - Intelligence ('buddhi, or awareness) - The Soul (Moksha or Parmatama). Intelligence or Mahata is higher, the Dharma himself and finally the Parmatma. Intelligence or awareness is important to flow energy in right direction which enlighten your path. Destruction of status quo is needed to create a new beginning and Vayu take the role of Shiva or Prabhanjana and Purushartha of kama (Purusha) to break the inertia and starts a movement of Gunas. Satva Gunas (Purity) is the Moksha state or balance state, it needs a Rajas (passion or activity) in the mind as attributes to create and Satva to preserve the creation. Then Tamas to destruct (evils, greed, igo, ignorance, inactivity), though it is also opening the new door for a life to enter.

Rigvedic Indra was the first elected and conquering Indra. He was the illegitimate son of Kushika family.  This energetic young man was servicing Asura chief and would rise against their Adharma and won his independence and established Swarajya or Swargya. He was Purandara, who won several hearts and resides in their body. The transcendental interpretation is he is the God (lord of senses or devas) living inside us that needs to win the senses to become Purandara. Thus, the soul or Indra is the king of Triloki (Humane body exists in past, present and future). 

The Indras are selected from all societies whether it’s, Rishis, Kings, Daityas, Danavas, Manavas, all qualify to get the Indrahood. Prahalad, Virocana (Danavas), Viprachitti (Daityas) and many other rakshas all were Indras. There were many Indras in our ancient texts and Indra was representing a group of people who have won the past, present and future by deep penance, intellect, strength, learning and exploits.

It is shown many times that Indra is in fear to losing his throne when any rishi or king do tapa but in reality Indra is always looking for the new one who can hold His throne. Thus, he conducts many tests where he sends Apsaras (his qualified agents) to check whether they transcend the lures of flesh or desire. Apsaras denoting the lust of a man! It was not that rishi had have to deprived of women. Vishwamitra lived with Menaka for 10 years and still achieved the power to challenge the Indra and all devas and created new Swargya for Trishanku. Next step was to test the willingness and strength of a man to fight the status quo or inertia prevailing in society. The great men like Bheeshma, Drona, Kripa couldn’t pass this step, they had cowardice or unwilling (chalta hia) attitude to rise against the evil rule of Duryodhana.

Our scriptures have always been misinterpreted and wrongly translated. These scriptures are written in a way to give three interpretations:
  • ·        Upachariradi (higher interpretation)--transcendental
  • ·        Astiakdi (historical interpretation)
  • ·        Manvadi (dharmik or bhakti interpretation)

That’s why here we see many Deva-Sura Sangram, various Avataras of Gods, various gods for different purposes, various kinds of Astras, and various kinds of species: Ghandharva, Kinnara, Apsaras, Vanara, Gaja, Naga, Garuda, Birds, Pitras, Bhuta, Ganas, Rakshas, Yakshas, and all. We take literal meaning so it appears to us blatant mythology and exaggeration. It is injustice to these huge and profound creations to see them with our narrow tinted lenses and twist their wisdom to match our shallow ideologies and to prepare arguments in support of our tiny understandings. 

It is the beauty of writing that could have compiled 3 or many interpretations that explained the historicity, spirituality and common believes of the same event. It is the beauty of the reading that could have distinguished the facts, transcendental, and bhakti meaning of the same event.  

For instance, Gayatri Mantra is not associated with any religion and we all are the descendants of ancient people who were not aware of any religion. Sun and knowledge are widespread and anyone can get enlightenment. Gayatri Mantra is the gift to mankind by the GOD! Gayatri is the form of Saraswati--the goddess of light and knowledge.

When Brahma was meditating, he uttered 3 words: bhu, Bhuvah and Svaha. Bhu is Earth, the satta, the existing and visible Loka. Then, Bhuvah means will happen in future time—the Loka of potential (Bhuvarloka) lies around you. The firmament of earth! The potential in you, which take shape in earth or cumulatively Earth’s potential as per our old philosophy “Vasudhave Kutumbkam”. Bhuvar is the distance between earth and sun and domain of Vayu. Earth is You and Sun is the light or enlightenment—the soul! Then, the Svaha loka or Swargya loka, grand loka, that ought to be reached so the purpose of Earth or You to reach that loka. And the Indra or Natha is the lord of all three worlds. These are the three states (Bhu, Bhuvah, Svaha) of the fourth dimension. Svaha is not perceivable and we are not aware where it lies.

The step ladder is: Earth—Spiritual pane—Heaven.  We do worship/Nishkam Karma at earth and aspire to reach to heaven. But heaven (Svaha) is illusion as our soul aspires to merge with Parmatama (enlightenment). That is it Sole Purpose to take birth on earth! Hence, heaven is Maya (illusion) land. Oh, and the earth is very real and our accumulated Karmas on earth decide our destiny of next birth. The Bhuvar loka or the surrounding environment or spiritual plane is the land between Earth and Swargya (or upper loka). It is the inner plane, our awareness to the truth to reach to the soul (Swargya). 

To know YOURSELF!! Know your deep routed soul and then recognize your enemy and overcome them. Renounce all undesired weights and be as light as balloon to fly on sky, be bird or aeroplane to travel on Uparichara (higher) region. Bhuvar loka, the Vayu connect beyond to the mundane and it is our potential, our passion and activity to reach to the Soul (enlightenment).

The whole Gayatri Mantra is:
ओम् भूः ओम् भुवः ओम् सुवः ओम् महः ओम् जनः ओम् तपः ओम् स॒त्यम्
ओम् तत्स॑वि॒तुर्वरे॑ण्य॒म् भर्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ धीमहि
धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचो॒दया॑त्
ओमापो॒ ज्योती॒ रसो॒ऽमृतं॒ ब्रह्म॒ भूर्भुव॒स्सुव॒रोम्)

There are 4 more states: Maha, Jana, Tapa, Satya in other dimensions. Total there are 7 upper lokas and similarly there are 7 lokas underground.

In Maharloka, the lifespan of being the Mahatamas is One Kalpa. The life time of Devas in Swargya is 1200 to 12000 years and at Maharloka, the life time of a Mahatma is a 1000 time the lifetime of a Deva. These are not just the lifespan; it is a distance that Devas need to cross to reach to Mahatama status. At that dimension time itself becomes a distance to be crossed! The Mahatama Gandhi was born at October 2, 1869 and he is still living in the millions of hearts in India and in World. He is living since 146 years and will continue to live for a century atleast. These Mahatamas or the legends live on through their ideas, their words, and their actions and we remember their lives to the eternity. Rama and Krsna are living since Treta and Dwaper Yuga and till now they have crossed higher upper lokas. These 3-dimensional lives have given immortality to these legends!  

The highest loka is the Satya Loka. This is the resident of who cross the barriers of eternal cycle of birth and death and assimilate in Super Soul (Parmatama)! Similarly, there are 7 descending lokas also known as Patala. Patala is even more splendor, beautiful, and prosper than Swarjya. Astiakadi or Historical interpretation is that the Raksha, Daityas, Danavas, Nagas, Sarameya, Vasuki and all are living in Patalas. They are defeated by Devas due to their old, stale and rigid policies and so they don’t share place with Devas and Mahatamas and given, respectfully, the underground dimensions.