Facts which people generally don't know and no one bothered to find. I got this enriching and eye opener article at some page. The question was:
If there was no Hitler, no world War II, India would have become independent by 1942.
The Gandhi Irwin Pact in 1932 set the foundation of the transfer of powers of India as a dominion. Though Gandhi had modified the demands to Purna swarajya.
The 1935 India Act passed and devolved the powers to Indian provinces.
Each of 11 provinces would elect a PM called Premier to differentiate from Prime Minister of England and other dominions.
1935 had Viceroy council elections under this act,
77 seats only, Congress won 44 and Congress Nationalists (future BJP) won 11. 55 out of 77.
77 seats only, Congress won 44 and Congress Nationalists (future BJP) won 11. 55 out of 77.
Then under that administration, the provincial elections took place.
Congress winning most seats. Muslim League won 110 of 486 muslim seats. minuscle minority of minority of seats. Congress won 707 direct seats plus nationalists and other allies on 17 July 1937,
Congress goverments formed 1937
Govind Ballabh Pant was PM of UP,
Rajgopalachari as PM of Madras,
Saadulah headed coalition with Congress in Assam,
BG Kher was PM of Bombay of alliance with Ambedkar and DSP
SriKrishna Sinha swept Bihar
NB Khare won the Central provinces
Dr. Khan won the muslim majority NWFP
Biswanath Das won Orissa
Rajgopalachari as PM of Madras,
Saadulah headed coalition with Congress in Assam,
BG Kher was PM of Bombay of alliance with Ambedkar and DSP
SriKrishna Sinha swept Bihar
NB Khare won the Central provinces
Dr. Khan won the muslim majority NWFP
Biswanath Das won Orissa
Sindh was a hung government and local British governor played with vested interests
Punjab was muslim majority
Dr Sikandar Hyatt allied with Sir Chhotu Ram won secular Unioniist party govt
(why is Sikandar hyatt familiar to you guys, Veer Zaara zaara was his great granddaughter!!)
Dr Sikandar Hyatt allied with Sir Chhotu Ram won secular Unioniist party govt
(why is Sikandar hyatt familiar to you guys, Veer Zaara zaara was his great granddaughter!!)
Fazlul Haq formed KPK European ML alliance govt as Prime Minister of Bengal.
(he never used title Premier, but actual title Prime Minister of Bengal)
(he never used title Premier, but actual title Prime Minister of Bengal)
In Punjab:
Unionists won 95 (Union of India), Khalsa got 14, Hindu nationalists 11, Congress
Unionists won 95 (Union of India), Khalsa got 14, Hindu nationalists 11, Congress
18, Akalis 10, Muslim league just 1 seat and 26 others in 175 seats.
In Bengal:
Situation was strange, 250 seats, 23 independents won backed by Zamindars
Situation was strange, 250 seats, 23 independents won backed by Zamindars
Krishak Praja Party of AK Fazlul Haq won 36 seats, allied with Muslim league 40
against Congress 54 Mahasabha 32
europeans won 25, Independent scheduled castes won 23.
europeans won 25, Independent scheduled castes won 23.
IN NWFP, Congress won 19 seats and 7 more were won by Hindu Nationalists plus some
muslim allies of Congress. They easily formed govt with 30 members of 50.
In Bombay, Congress won 88 of 175 seats (contested just 110); its allies Ambedkar's ILP won 12 (plus 2 independents) and Tilak's DSP won 5
Sindh had Sindhi parties winning 29 seats of 60 including Shah Nawaz Bhutto's United
Party (modern PPP) with 22 though Bhutto lost. Congress won 8 plus allies 2,
Mahasabha won 11.
The issue and politics of sindh did not allow stable ministry for long time.
The issue and politics of sindh did not allow stable ministry for long time.
in 1937, Jinnah suggested an alliance with Congress in other provinces. historians like to blame Nehru for not taking that alliance but the fact was in Bengal, Muslim League with 40 seats supported KPK with 36 seats while Congress with 54 seats and backed by 23 independents would have formed more stable govt.
Also Jinnah and Fazlul Haq conspired with Governor who gave 25 europeans and 23 schedule caste votes to their alliance.
If Jinnah had backed Congress League alliance in Bengal then history would have been different.
Even then, League has 109 seats to Congress 707 plus allies taking to 850.
The idea was in 1940, there will be a constituent assembly elections and in 1942, second elections to states would then vote for Independent India with each province choosing to stay in empire or move to Independent India.
That is why senior congress leaders did not became PMs at state level. Rajendra Prasad, Nehru, Patel, Azad, et all remained at Central level. Jinnah was too afraid to contest. He did not. He would have won in Bombay but did not take the risk.
Congress won 8 provinces, Punjab was lead by Unionists who believed in empire, Hyatt Khan however came into alliance with Congress and Akalis! His death saw partition of India as his control over muslim majority of Punjab went away to Jinnah's control.
In Bengal also, Congress was gaining control.
1942 would have seen Independent India.
You have to remember it was labor govt in Britain and liberal PM Dr. Ramsay McDonald who set the ball rolling with Gandhi. In 1940 elections, the labor would have won a majority and Clement Attlee was in favor of Indian independence.
As the british politics moved towards acceptance of Indian dominion and independence, there was a counter movement.
There was since early 1930s a group of British civil servants who planned for Indian independence and planned for creating a second state which will serve british interests and protect the Arabian interests aka OIL.
Mind it, there were factions in british civil service which were pro India also and backed Indian independence.
We are unique in our freedom struggle as our colonial masters were democratic also.
You cannot tarr "THEM" with same brush. Each democracy ahs many factions at all levels.
There was a reason why Gandhi chose the paths he did because he believed in innate goodness of democracy and its ability to control
the base nature of the beast inside the man. He was proved right.
the base nature of the beast inside the man. He was proved right.
The british technocrat groups worked at odds with each other also. They would have followed eventually the elected PM or the political masters.
That would be Attlee in 1940.
Indians are always too full of themselves. They were not the targets anymore. The OIL in Arabia was the future. British technocrats realized that long back.
But they needed a proxy to administer it, guard it and Independent India was not answer.
They approached several scholars, at Cambridge, at Oxford and at aligarh Muslim University for solutions.
They wanted a second state in the region after Independent India to control.
Again, these scholars would have worked on these as hypothetical excercises as administrative problems not as mainline conspirators. Their works were later even published.
Dr. Reginald Coupland actually published all his work on this by 1944!!
He looked at suggestion to create Christian Tribalistan in North East India under British empire and rejected it on administrative grounds. In his 1943 magnum opus.
Burma, an Indian province, was but detached from India in 1937 as was Malaya and Singapore by British technocrats.
The forthcoming Indian independence would include the indian administered Yemen, Aden, and the princely states of arabia. They were also removed in 1937 from Bombay presidency to enable separate administration of these colonies keeping them in empire. UAE was free in 1969. Yemen after a civil war in 1950s.
Reginald Coupland looked at ideas of
1. Bengal State
2. Expanded Bengal aka Ganga State
3. Deccan State
4. Indusstan
2. Expanded Bengal aka Ganga State
3. Deccan State
4. Indusstan
5. Rajputana
6. Princesstan
Princesttan was one favored by the technocrats backed by Winston Churchill. The Princestan would cover most of modern Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP and even Kosala part of Orissa separating North India from Deccan.
There were indications of this policy and the counter british technocrats backing India informed our leaders. Counter moves by Indian leaders started.
Nehru lead an agitation and was arrested in Nabha spending months in jail there under horrible conditions. That enabled congress to start using states populations to rally to their side.
Gandhi talked with helpful princes and they started creating constitutional monarchies with idea to merger with India. Kotah, baroda, Aundh are great examples.
Aundh King donated whole state to Future India. One would even say, Aundh was where Independent India was born in 1930s itself, the first part of India to be independent.
Why is this part of puranas and vedas or Mahbharata discussion?
Aundh trust was one that backed critical edition of Mahbharata at BORI, they set up funds for critical edition of Puranas.
Princesstan was the trump churchill thought he had which was rendered useless from 1931 onwards by efforts of Gandhi and Nehru.
Mewar and Kotah would never agree to independent rajputana so that idea was also closed by Coupland.
Jinnah was the candidate of the British technocrats group to lead second state.
As India moved to independence under its own governments, the chess game was on.
Richard Casey, Fredrick Burrows, Francis Mudie, Hugh Dow, Olaf Caroe, Henry Craik, Bernard Glancy, Lancelot Graham, Francis Wylie moved to Indian provinces as governors.
Caroe, Graham, Mudie, Dow were ring leaders and they got themselves as governors of Sindh, NWFP, Punjab and Bengal. I would add Moon of Bhwalapur to the list and several British Residents of Bhopal, Indore et all to this list.
They targeted those provinces and made sure their puppets the Muslim league were supported in that areas.
Lancelot Graham was governor of sindh, SUP won 22 seats and he got 18 of those to defect to Muslim league so they can form one govt. 1st defections. Dow and Mudie were governors of Sindh and Bengal and Bihar at various times to ensure this processes. Dow and Mudie made sure Congres and nationalist muslims never formed govt in Sindh because they needed sea access and sindh was important for that. That is why Sindh was separated from Bombay in 1936.
Sindh ensured direct ruled Baluchistan right next to OIL!!
Caroe in 1940 even booth captured couple of bye elections to get muslim league seats in NWFP without which Indusstan idea was unworkable. First booth capturing!
all this would have been useless if Attlee won the elections and he was PM. The british technocrats would have had to accept political directives.
How powerful is bureaucracy?
Vyapam scam is cheating for exams for civil service. years generations of civil servants are in their posts using cheating practises and the people affected are civil servants. For four years this is under investigation, no hullaboo as people affected are civil servants, They work in dark, secret. maybe that is why titles are secretary!!
Now it is in public eye as a political scam not a Civil servant scam! see the power of bureaucracy, the govt convicting these civil servants is under trial!!
That is the power and reach of bureaucracy.
1940 would have rolled by and Attlee would be PM and then India would be independent with no issues.
What happened?
Hitler invaded Poland! The British governor general of India declared India as a participant without asking elected congress govts.
They had to resign in protest.
Victor Alexander John Hope was one of the anti-india technocrats. remember simon commission, he was on it.
In 1930s, he became chairman of select committee on Indian constitutional reform, the organization controlling march of Indian independence and was prime reason for delay between 1932 and 1935 and again 1937 elections!!
He even declined plum posts as Governor of Madras (with interests over Malaya) and the Governor Generalship of Australia. The plum post in British empire.
His father was 1st governor general of australia!! He refused that to utter
amazement of everyone. He wanted to delay Indian independence. He took Viceroyship of India instead.
amazement of everyone. He wanted to delay Indian independence. He took Viceroyship of India instead.
He was the one who bypassed congress govts and sacked 8 provinces where Congress had full majorities.
On the political side, Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru expressed the general feeling thus: '
Today, I say, after seven years of Lord Linlithgow's administration the country is much more divided than it was when he came here'
The world war 2 was from 1939 to 1945. 6 years. 6 years!
No british election in 1940. Churchill became PM of united british ministery, Attlee was deputy PM.
Churcill had no hope of becoming PM otherwise!!
So the British technocrats had their guy as PM!!!
6 years which ssaw death of Sikandar Hyatt and Punjab muslims now under Jinnah control. Fazlul Haq also died. The leaders who could challenge Jinnah died!!
6 years of Conservative rule and 6 years of anti india bureaucratic dominance.
They were so sure of themselves, they allowed Coupland to publish his work!!
6 years for muslim league to come from 25% of muslim vote to 86% of Muslim vote.
1945, Attlee was PM, he started the modalities of Indian independence immediately.
1946 saw Congress win 93% of general vote and Muslim League win 86% of muslim league..
In central assembly congress won 59 seats and Muslim league 30.
Genie was out of bottle.
Muslim provinces:
NWFP: Congress again won! despite Caroe's machinations.
The population was 3 million, 360K Hindus and sikhs.
the plebiscite for pakistan recorded 376K votes only, 250K for Pakistan!
See how the elections aka plebiscite was stolen! That is why any kashmir plebiscite is not possible.
The votes in 1947 plebisciite for pakistan had 250K votes for Pakistan in a state where 360K plus Hindus lived!!!!!!!
Sindh: 60 seats
Congress won 21, GM sayyad won 4 and nationalist muslim won 3 and 3 europeans and 1 labor party beat Muslim league;'s 27 seats!! They could form govt.
Both had 28 supporters but governor intervened and cheated and formed minority muslim league govt. The governor was Hugh Dow who soon moved to Bihar to forment issues! Mudie took over in Sindh!!
Punjab 175 seats
Congress 51 seats, Unionist 20 Akalis 22 others 9 against Mulsim League 73
congress actually formed govt!! but was not allowed to function.
Governor Evan Jenkins did not demobilize more than 60K returning muslim soldiers who became Musim guard under Muslim league to terrorize the province.
6 MLAs from unionists to save lives joined Muslim league, 6 others left.
Bengal 250 seats
Muslim league won 113 seats
Congress won 86 and Nationalists 12 14 independnts
But governor Richard Casey an aussie and close confidant of Churchill directed 25 europeans to vote for Muslim league!
Muslim league won 113 seats
Congress won 86 and Nationalists 12 14 independnts
But governor Richard Casey an aussie and close confidant of Churchill directed 25 europeans to vote for Muslim league!
Suhrawardy formed govt with european help and unleashed the Calcutta riots!!
Rest is history.
So, If Hitler had not started world war 2, not only 6 million jews, 2 million roma,
29 million slavs, 4 million bengali peasants in 1943 fammine, 15-20 million Chinese, millions of others would not have died.
Also, Muslim league would not have 10 years to prepare for next elections neither would they have political backing of a conservative govt in britain through the technocrat group.
The muslim hindu problem would have been resolved inside an Indian union under Indian discussions and noting that Jinnah died in 1948, his death would have broken the back of partitionists. Liaqat and others were too soft and corrupt!!
United India means no great game in afghanistan, no issues from afghanistan invasions, no 9/11, no ....
somewhere out there is an earth in another Cosmic egg of Brahma where Johann Georg Elser's plot to kill Hitler in 1939 would be a success and we would have flying cars out there and bustling cities on Mars and mines on asteroids and gas fracking on Venus. Somewhere out there.
Please read the seminal work for this The Great Game by Peter Hopkirk (i have bought several copies and people keep borrowing them and never returning them!)
Grand chesboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski, secretary state of USA and one of proponents of modern manicheanism
Karl Meyer and Shareen Blair Brysac 's Tournament of Shadows.
the 1904 Heartland theory seminal work may be part of it but does not involve Indian partition, too early.
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