Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Planets (Lokas) Vs Grahas Continued

The highest loka is Satya loka or Saturn Graha. It is the ultimate truth! Shani or Planet Satrun is Yama and is associated with Rudra (Storm god of Rigveda who later absorbed in Pashupati or Shiva). Satya is the state when you assimilate in Supersoul (Parmatama) and get free from birth/re-birth cycle. It gives you Moksha and unleashes the Karma cycle. Shani signifies controller or nervous system. It is a mental toughness, a solitude state! Live like Hamsa who look calm and serene but inside water it is peddling hard through water. Lotus petals and leaves grow and survive in water but water drops never touch them! Saturn is the solitude planet. It stands alone among the rest of planets but never lonely.
Ascension to higher states can happen when a human evolves the ability to use approximately 90% of his or her brain capacity. When one is pure spirit, open mind and conquered 5 Jyanendriyans through 5 Karmnendriyans. At the time of creation the 5 organs of knowledge and 5 organs of actions are created that are led by Indra--the mind or knowledge. These organs are connected with 5 elements of existence or Prakriti. These 5 Karmendriyan are:

Karmnendriyan Action Organ Connected Tatva or Element
Eliminate Release Rectum Earth
Reproduce Mate Genitals Water
Move Walk Feet Fire
Grasp Skill Hand Air
Speak Speech Mouth Ether
It has nothing to do with action in material world. It is a mental state of awareness and action.

Chinese did associate the five planets with five elements (panchamahabhuta) Fire, Earth, Water, Wood (or Air or Sound), Metal (or Ether or Sky). But Indians have no such concept.

Mind travels in the perforated extensive expanse Ether of heart, where only Vak (the subtle sound) or dark energy works. Vak is Shakti, knowledge, light, the Saraswati. Matter doesn't exist there, dark matter outweigh visible matter with heavy gravitational force. Sensory neurons which respond to touch, sound, light and all other stimuli doesn't respond in Ether (dark matter). Dark matter doesn't absorb, reflect or emit light. Person reach to the Samadhi state: no more existence of physical body or matter and its sensory pleasure.
The next 2 Grahas are Rahu and Ketu, though they don’t exist in planetary system. Svarbhanu (Sound of Sun) is the 8th Graha and split of Svarbhanu into Rahu and Ketu came after Vaishnava cult. Svarbhanu was the son of Viprachitti (Nature of Brahmin). Viprachitti was Daitya and reached to Indrahood.  Ketu is associated in English with Meteor or comet. Ketu was not Graha for a long time in Hindu Astrology. Navagraha concept came very later and Varahmihir (ancient scientist of Gupta era who invented Zero and many discoveries) son Hora had led its foundation. Rahu is shadowy graha; its wisdom is tempered. Ketu is asteroids.  Rahu is the Atma striving for perfection and merge with Parmatama. It was seeking the Amrita, the nectar of life. Rahu strive to better himself by consuming Amrita to build the bridge between Atma to Parmatama. Sun and Moon was Rakshasaa thus, they identified Rahu. 
Sun is the knowledge or intellect but what happened when intellect suppress the Soul—the trueself? The knowledge, the light of Sun and Moon was wounded and diminished because they were debarring their Soul to reach to ultimate truth. Mohini is Vishnu and Sudarshana Chakra is the release from attachment that separated Rahu head from his body and releases him from all desires of life (body). Head (desire to merge with Parmatama) was separated from body (attachments) but it revealed the lost light of Sun and Moon. Sun and Moon become weak and lost their shinning (knowledge). Rahu is cowherder (Soul) also who is herding Sun (light and knowledge) and Moon. 
As Sun and Moon were eclipsed, the power of Devas reduced and darkness spread all around. Historical interpretation is, the society was fighting each other, lots of bloodshed, chaos and no laws and dharma remained. Evil and darkness were dominating and Devas or goodness had lost its status. Mithira was the Sun at that time who was wounded by Rahu. Mithira had reduced its stature as prime God. Mithira is Zorastrian’s Ahura Mazda.

So, Navagrahas are actually 7 lokas, the wanderer planets, including Rahu and Ketu. Rahu and Ketu are representing the self. Ancient astronomers or sages weren’t able to reach to Sky but there were able to reach to human anatomy, its whole nervous system, its senses, brain and heart. They resembled Universe (Antarishka) with humane body (central nervous system and brain) and discovered the deep hidden truth which we still are unable to understand. The seven lokas lies in 7 Chakras of Kundalini. Kundalini Chakras are centers of energy, which look after our physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual being. These chakras give us the absolute perception of Reality on our central nervous system as we develop our Chakra system.

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